
Technology in education, technology-related educational groups

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

Eltern der Kinder, die 2017 an der Waldorfschule Wuerzburg eingeschult wurden

Kommunikation der Eltern der Kinder, die 2017 an der Waldorfschule Wuerzburg eingeschult wurden, bzgl. aktuellen organisatorischen Themen und Aufgaben in der Klasse, wie zB anstehende Veranstaltungen/Elternabende, Informationen zu Schulbedarf oder Informationen über den Unterricht.

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22


Clase maestria MGP 2017 UJMD We are approximately 20 students currently coursing a master's degree on project management at We're looking for a distribution list so that we can communicate better among ourselves & receive documentation from the teachers. Would greatly appreciate if our request is accepted. Thanks!

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

SOSM Concerned Parties

For those who are concerned about the state of the school of St. Mary in Lake Forest, IL.

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East Chicago Lighthouse Charter School

Staff from ECLCS have come to use technology more and more in their daily work. The mission for this list is to use the technology of the web to promote and share information regarding upcoming events and to give the members a simple technological tool to communicate with each other.

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

Troca de lingua italiano-portugues

Mailing list to organize a language-exchange of Portuguese-Italian in Padua city.

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

The World of Technology

This List talk about the technology and its services. The students at Sultan Qaboos University at Instructional and Learning Technologies Department (ILT) will discussing the newest of technology, and add some idea or events about its

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greek braille

we are learning the greek braille in order to help blind and visually impaired students, to study their lessons. This list aims to discuss the training material of our lessons, practice exams, and the technology of braille printers and emvosers.

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Club Cientifico de Penalolen

Noticias de ciencias y actividades del Club Cientifico de Penalolen, Santiago, Chile

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Easy Defensive Driving

Easy Defensive Driving Information and Updates for Defensive Drivers who have taken a Defensive Driving Class in Person at Home Plate Diner in Lubbock or Online (Driving Safety)

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

LB Info

So, we are a couple of adults who are to help with managing their children school information system. It actually consists in a set of 18 PCs, of which 4 are connected to the Internet via an ISDN link. As far as now, every computer runs MS-Windows (as it is still "the standard" in franch educational system <|-( ), but I intend to set up a couple of Unix-based (Linux or BSD) servers to control Internet access as well as to furnish network facilities. A mailing list would just help us to share information and keep in touch with everything is done with that I.S. Just tell me if the main problem remains the language beeing spokoen on such a list.. Bye.

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22


Discussion about Informatics, Technology and Math. Groupmates at Eotvos Lorand University of Sciences, Hungary.

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Produktions-Informatik 2003

EMailliste der Informatik-Studenten im Wahlfach Produktions-Informatik an der Uni-Bremen WISE 2003/2004 [english] EMaillist for Computer Science students, choice subject 'computer science in production', at the University of Bremen, Germany. Winter Term 2003/2004.

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

Exceptis excipiendis...

The Philosophy. For the students from the Byelorussian State University. The educational materials where a study-subject are ancient and modern philosophy, logic, psychology and other humanitarian sciences. In Russian.

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

APH Adult Life Think Group

On this list, selected professionals and consumers will share ideas about development of specific products and materials for use by transition students and adults who are blind or visually impaired. Products under discussion frequently utilize assistive technology or involve the evelopment of simple materials/technology solutions.

ListRank: 22ListRank: 22

Team 3

We are a group of 9 students and 1 teacher form a german university. We study Informatik with the topic media. In one lesson, we should create a learn cd for students they are starting with the study. the learn cd should handle all the topics of the informatic with the topic media and technics. for this projekt we need a mailing list and we hope we can need your service for this reason.

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