
Technology in education, technology-related educational groups

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CVO-Online - de digitale leeromgeving voor het volwassenenonderwijs in Vlaanderen

Mailing list for teachers and ICT professionals involved with the "CVO ONLINE" project. This project focuses on implementing the digital learning environment of the Department of Education in Flanders for the Centres for Adult Education ( The digital interactive learning modules are also shared between the participants (

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Mailing lists, created for students of class 17 of acupuncture, IPGU (Institute of Post Graduation Unisa�de) aimed to exchange experience among students. Exchange of materials, articles, books, videos, photos. Nonprofits. But with a moderate association!

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nonspecific chaos

This email newsletter is a collection of geopolitical information, quote of the day, today in history, top news stories, FAQs, and wanderlust I conjure up in my free time.

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Bronx HS of Science Pre-Medical Society

E-mail communication with all members of the Pre-Med Club

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UnADM TSU y Lic. en Matemticas.

Grupo de apoyo estudiantes de la UnADM para TSU y Lic Matem�ticas

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Ech leieren Letzebuergesch

Luxembourgish students cooperation list. Any student studying Luxembourgish language level 1.1 @12:10-13:50 since February 2015 at Luxembourg may ask for registration. This list purpose is as follow : a) provide a way to ask any lessons related question, b) provide help to students, c) spread official announcements such as "day off", examination date and so on. The institute itself is not mentioned as this list is totally independent and as no official matter to do with.

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Stammgruppe Topas

Mailing list of the "Topas" group in the school "Freie Evangelische Grundschule Grumbach". It is required to get in contact with all parents in our school class.

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Technik-Team Gymnasium Buckhorn

Mailinglist Technik Team GyBu Closed List to Communicate between members of the event-technic-team of Gymnasium Buckhorn

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Alunos EACH

Lista alternativa de trocas de informações relevantes entre os(as) estudantes da Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades (EACH, da Universidade de São Paulo). A lista oficial de informação dos estudantes da EACH é gerida pela administração da escola, e não há esclarecimento sobre seus critérios de seleção das mensagens encaminhadas. Rotineiramente são encaminhadas mensagens com vários propósitos: desde informes essenciais a todos os estudantes, até pesquisas com interesses particulares sobre cartões de crédito e marcas de roupas. Mas é comum que informes de interesse geral, como datas de assembléias estudantis, aulas voluntárias de reforço, ocorrências sobre furtos e intoxicações alimentares no restaurante, etc, não sejam encaminhados, sem que haja nenhum tipo de esclarecimento. Esta lista procura atender à demanda por livre circulação de informações relevantes entre os estudantes da EACH.

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TAMUK ANS Student Chapter

Announcement for Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK), American Nuclear Society (ANS) Student Chapter

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SCC RESA Mailing List

St. Clair County RESA Mailing List, Marysville, MI

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parents chat group for technical and padagogical development in the children house St. Paul

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FSM Advanced Sports and Orthopedic Workshops List

News and announcements about upcoming Advanced Sports Program and Orthopedic Workshops at the Florida School of Massage. The Orthopedic Workshops offer training in advanced massage techniques and technologies, like Cyriax frictioning and Tendon Injury Exercise Program for recent and matured scar tissue healing that are beyond the scope of general massage programs. These continuing education classes strive to balance integration of new information from ongoing research on soft tissue healing, manipulation, and musclar balance with time-tested, immediately useful techniques for working with active and injured clients, with a focus on self-care.

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KYACAC Listserv

A Listserv for the Kentucky Assocation for College Admission Counseling

ListRank: 12ListRank: 12

Emails do 8G

This list enables 8th grade students from a portuguese school to receive messages from their teachers. It will also be used to discuss different topics from different subjects. The list is owned and moderated by the science teacher.

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