Re: [yoshimi-user] Yoshimi 1.0.0

  • From: Will J Godfrey <WillGodfrey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: yoshimi-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 18:07:18 +0100

On Mon, 02 Jul 2012 23:44:41 +0200
Jeremy Jongepier <jeremy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear all,

There it is, Yoshimi 1.0.0, in memory of ALan "Cal" Calvert who passed
away exactly one year ago. Cal, we're pretty sure it's only angel horns
you hear and no devil trombones!

* Modified INSTALL file and added instructions on how to build Yoshimi
outside the source tree. Thanks to Jimmy for the instructions.
* Previously when microtonal loaded .xsz files, it did not convert the
tunings back into their x.y format, which was displayed to the user,
this patch corrects this mistake. Thanks to Mark McCurry for the patch.
* Renamed Yoshimi icon.
* Applied patch from SourceForge ticket #3487751 (Simplify desktop file
and install it and the icon file). Thanks to Tim harder for this patch.
* Yoshimi likes GCC >= 4.7 again.

Thanks everyone for the contributions and patches.




Well done friends. I will compile this and have a little celebratory toast as
I first run it :)

Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.

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