[Wittrs] Re: Who and What is a Cartesian?

  • From: "gabuddabout" <gabuddabout@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 17:52:49 -0000

Stuart writes:

"Dennett, in the context of explicitly critiquing Searle's CRA says that it 
a Cartesian dualist to conclude that more of the same would not make a
difference in the CR, i.e., the argument known as the CRA. Searle makes THAT
argument and defends it. Thus Dennett's point is directed at Searle and his
thinking on the matter which is what I initially said Dennett's argument
addressed and what the text I found and transcribed here demonstrates. Your
ongoing claims aimed at undermining this point are just an exercise in

The point is that no matter how many _functional properties_ in the form of 
abstract computations one adds, all you get is more functional properties.  At 
best, you get closer to simulating this or that with higher degrees of 
resolution.  Searle's point still stands and Peter at Analytic exposed you 
waffling between the notions of more hardware or more software.

By "more of the same," Searle is talking about functional properties (read: 2nd 
order properties).

Now, if you can understand that, then you would see Dennett's charge of 
crypto-dualism not following.

OTOH, if you insist on conflating functional prperties with 1st order 
properties, then, given the EQUIVOCATION, you can, via egregious _ignoratio 
elenchi_, conclude to crypto-dualism.

Remember, Searle is emphatically not a property dualist.  If anything, a 
property pluralist, as opposed to eliminativists who are property dualists vis 
a vis mind-body since they can't deny they are awake while claiming to hazard 
guesses about mind, which isn't there for the zombies..

That was so much fun.  Let's do it again and again!

Ps.  I was looking for the argument (I thought) I posted--the one you asked for 
and (I thought) I gave.  I'll look harder so I can see if you took your crack 
at it.  :-)


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