[Wittrs] Re: Who and What is a Cartesian?

  • From: "gabuddabout" <gabuddabout@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 20:27:52 -0000

In _Meaning in Mind: Fodor and his critics_, there is a paper by Dennett called 
something like "Granny's Campaign for Safe Science" where Dennett seems to rip 
Fodor a new one and in passing labels Searle some sort of dualist but doesn't 
specify Searle's so-called dualism.

The idea is simple.  If you are a Wittgensteinian criteriologist (and/or 
quietist, eliminativist, epiphenomenalist, minimalist of whatever stamp might 
yet be printed) about consciousness (remember that consciousness as such cannot 
be studied by science according to Dennett because only third-person evidence 
can count), then any assertion to the contrary will automatically be 
interpreted as:

1.  Idiosyncratic.

2.  Antiscience.

3.  Incoherent (Hacker who thinks that the proposal that the brain causes 
consciousness is incoherent.

That's why Searle coins "biological naturalism" to be such as to be sensitive 
to the facts and different from the conceptual dualism that is inherent in (it 
really is don't you know)  eliminative, quietistic, criteriological, 
epiphenomenal, property dualist, materialist (in its mostly non-idiosyncratic 
reductive forms), computationalist, and even connectionist forms of grappling 
with the so-called mind-body problem.

After Dennett's spanking of Fodor, Fodor replies with such swiftness that it 
appears that Dennett is pissing block letters in the cold snowjob of 
philosophical rigor while Fodor is doing so much better what with his ability 
to show up the block letters with cursive.

Now, after all that, please don't eat the snow!

Or, read the exchange and learn about just how breezy Dennett can be and how 
gullible a public he may be presupposing.

After all that, imagine Fodor and another collaborating on a project published 
just this year:  _What Darwin Got Wrong_.

After the knee-jerks, read that too!


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