(no subject)

  • From: Rebecca Gnüchtel <rgnuechtel@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 02:08:32 -0700 (PDT)


name is Rebecca from Germany. I am not a philosopher but a student of
anthropology (ethnology). I stumbled across Wittgenstein in February 2008 and
was immediately enraptured by the first few sentences of the Tractatus and from
there I worked myself though… still no end in sight. Among the Wittgensteinian
scholars I particularly admirer is the work of the Swansea Department of
Philosophy. My main interest is to use Wittgenstein’s thoughts to think about
ethnography and perhaps to apply the later or latest Wittgenstein to the 
ethnographic material of Himalayan tribes on which I did some own fieldwork and 
on which I hope to
continue working and thinking. 

I am nearly finished with my MA studies at the
University of Heidelberg but life in Berlin. 

I attended this years ALWS Summer School and
the Symposium in Kirchberg but beyond that I have very little explicit training
in philosophy. Nasha
Waights Hickman sent an email around to tell us about this site, that is how I
got to know it. Thinking about Wittgenstein is a bit of a lonely occupation, so
I hope to find here people to ‘test’ by thoughts and to see if they lead
anywhere interesting. 

Yours Rebecca



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