[wiaattorneys] Re: NASWA/CESER E-LERT: Information on FY 2007 Budget Request & Career Advancement Account Proposal

  • From: "Bob Simoneau" <Bsimoneau@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Pomerantz, Jane C. (GC-LI)" <jpomerantz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 12:38:56 -0500

A very astute observation; the answer at this time is fairly nebulous,
but I'll try.
At the ETA Budget Briefing on February 6th, Emily DeRocco said it would
be up to each state to decide how they wanted their system to be
structured and what role locals boards would have in the system - if
any.  Regarding one-stops - same thing - states could either keep the
same system with one-stops, or they could decide to go with other
systems, such as community colleges, etc.  She said states and locals
would have to work this out.  Of course, this leads to many questions
and concerns about funding the system from the 22 per cent allocation to
the state. 
However, at the House Appropriations Subcommittee for Labor, Health and
Human Services, Education and related Agencies hearing on February 16th,
Secretary Chao testified that she had a lot of respect for the current
one-stop system and that CAAs "complement"  the one-stop system, not
replace it.  She said the one-stop system is crucial to deliver CAAs.
The hearing started off with the Chair of the Subcommittee,
Representative Ralph Regula (R-OH), stating that he was very familiar
with Ohio's one-stops and he thinks they are great - this might have
"led" the Secretary's statement about one-stops.  A copy of the
Secretary's testimony is attached and will soon be available on the
{Jane, later Rep John Peterson (R-PA) had some negative things to say
about PA's CareerLink system - saying, "I have a problem with
CareerLinks."  He said he knows businesses that want o hire skilled
labor, but are unable to find them through CareerLink offices.  He also
said there are staff in CareerLink offices who are busy, yet other staff
are doing nothing, while customers are waiting for service.He indicated
the main problem is that "nobody is in charge" in the offices.  He asked
the Secretary, "is there any agency (in other states) who cross-train
staff?"  The Secretary said yes and Rep Peterson asked her to provide
him with that information.  He also asked the Secretary if he could work
directly with her to help the businesses who are not able to find
employees through the one-stop.  The Secretary responded she would be
willing to do - with Emily DeRocco wilding nodding an affirmative
response.   This could be a concern, if the Secretary or ETA, starts
working with PA businesses directly and by-passing the State.  Jane,
would you share this response with Bill Moulfair, who whoever should be
aware of Rep Peterson's comments?  I apologize Jane, for putting this
specific regarding PA, but I thought it would help others understand the
direction from USDOL.}
 I do not recall that the Secretary mentioned anything about the locals.
It is surprising that non of the Representatives had questions, prompted
by local associations, regarding local boards and areas.  
Immediately following the hearing, I attend a WIA Discussion Group
meeting, which consists mostly of representatives of local associations
and groups (NGA and NASWA are the only state associations).  Needless to
say, this group has a lot of concern and serious objections to the
Administration's proposal; they consider it a move to totally eliminate
the current system and structure, including local boards.  The
individual associations will be "busy" trying to kill this. 
NASWA has not yet taken a position on the Administration's budget
proposal, including CAAs.  As you well know from the experience of
trying to develop NASWA positions on WIA reauthorization, it was not an
easy task as opinions on what is the right direction varies greatly
between states.  The Administration's proposal, especially CAAs, will be
discussed at both the NASWA Board of Directors' meeting and the Winter
Policy Forum week after next.  Also, we currently have a survey out to
all states asking for specific information regarding actions states will
have to take because of the FY 2006 appropriations.  The responses will
greatly help us to frame a position for FY 2007 funding and to prepare
testimony.   We are very proud that NASWA has been asked to testify at
the Appropriations Subcommittee at the end of March (thanks, Curt).  
Regarding your question whether it is a moot point anyway, without a
crystal ball it's hard to say, but more likely it will be DOA or at the
minimum it will have many "pellet holes" to go through (sorry, I
couldn't resist).   As I said, the local associations are up-in-arms
regarding the CAA proposal, and will be working very hard with Reps and
Senators.  Also, if you look at the track record of ETA's previous
proposals - consolidation, PRAs, etc. - there has not been much success.
A more immediate concern is the proposal to defund AJB.  We have heard
that Emily will be issuing a letter to all State Administrators next
week (maybe) regarding ETA's proposal to eliminate AJB.  We are working
on developing a template letter for states.
I hope I answered your questions as clearly as possible under the
circumstances.  If not, please let me know.

Bob Simoneau 
Workforce Development Director 
444 North Capitol Street, NW  #142 
Washington, D.C.  20001 
(202) 434-8020 
Fax (202) 434-8033 



From: Pomerantz, Jane C. (GC-LI) [mailto:jpomerantz@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 2:53 PM
To: Curt Harris; Bob Simoneau
Cc: wiaattorneys@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: FW: NASWA/CESER E-LERT: Information on FY 2007 Budget Request &
Career Advancement Account Proposal

Hi Curt and Bob:
Today I received the following Email Notification from NASWA. It had the
Dear Colleague letter from DOL that explains the CAA proposal that is in
the Bush's Budget.  The letter including the following:
    Undoubtedly, many states would choose to continue the network of
state and local boards, as well as the system
     of One-Stop Career Centers for delivering services. However, some
states and areas may choose to move away 
    from that design and identify a system of access points for
workforce services that they believe will work better 
    for them, and at a lower operating cost. For example, these access
points could be located in the existing 
    infrastructure found at community colleges, public libraries, senior
centers, or community-based organizations, 
    as well as virtually on the Internet.
Are they saying that they are going to allow states to get rid of the
one stop system and local areas and boards? Wouldn't that amount to
repealing part of WIA with the budget?  Or is this all moot because the
CAA proposals are not going anywhere anyway just as I heard that Bush's
Budget was DOA when it got to Congress?
As you can see I copied all the WIA attorneys because I am sure they
will be interested in your answer.  Thanks for any insight you can give.

-----Original Message-----
From: elerts@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:elerts@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 6:45 PM
To: jpomerantz@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: NASWA/CESER E-LERT: Information on FY 2007 Budget Request &
Career Advancement Account Proposal

***This is an Automatic Email Notification from NASWA/CESER*** 

TO: Jane Pomerantz 

A new article titled "Information on FY 2007 Budget Request & Career
Advancement Account Proposal" has just been posted to the Workforce ATM.

Article summary:
Click here to read the Dear Colleague letter from the Assistant
Secretary to State Administrators. The letter explains the rationale
behind the budget request & the CAA proposal. 

You can find this article on the Workforce ATM at:


Upcoming Events:
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the NASWA Winter Policy Forum
<http://www.workforceatm.org/wpforum06/index04.cfm> !
February 27 - March 1, 2006
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington D.C.

e-mail Rich Hobbie directly at rhobbie@xxxxxxxxxx If you have a link
and/or best practice or workforce development resource that you would
like to share on the Workforce ATM, you can submit it on-line at:

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  • » [wiaattorneys] Re: NASWA/CESER E-LERT: Information on FY 2007 Budget Request & Career Advancement Account Proposal