[ussgeorgetown] "Family Discussion: Part One Alex and Vivie Lazzara-Henderson

  • From: LtCmdrSydMorgan@xxxxxxx
  • To: ussgeorgetown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 08:07:14 EDT

"Family Discussion: Part One 
Alex and Vivie Lazzara-Henderson 
Alex returned to their quarter's after her meeting with Lish. She was still  
wound up as tight as a rope. She had too many thoughts in her head, that she  
felt like it was going to explode. Once she got home, she looked for Vivie  
to find the place empty. She changed into something more comfortable and  
laid down on the couch hoping the pounding in her head would go away. "Computer 
dim lights." Hopefully laying in the dark would help to calm her, although she 
 doubted it.

There was a huge smile plastered on Vivie's face as she  walked down the hall 
towards home. She kept looking down at the contents of the  small yellow bag 
in her hand, the hint of white and light green that was nestled  inside made 
eyes light up and she had to swallow a giggle. Walking into  the cabin she 
headed right for the bedroom since she was sure Alex was still on  the bridge. 

Still awake, yet in the place between full awareness and  dreaming, Alex 
thought she had heard the doors open, but she didn't hear Vivie  call for 
so she thought she must've been dreaming. She went back to  unsuccessful 
attempt at sleeping.  

Sitting on the bed, Vivie pulled out a little white one piece with light  
green piping around cuffs and neck. She knew it was far to soon, and that Alex  
would think she was nuts, and that in some cases some people thought it bad 
luck  to get baby things before the baby's born, but Vivie couldn't help 
 She'd been down in the ship's tiny clothes shop picking out something for 
Cali  and saw the little outfit hanging there. She couldn't help herself, it 
even had  matching booties and a hat. 

Laying on the couch was not helping her  headache at all, so Alex got up and 
gingerly stumbled into the bedroom, falling  on the bed or rather falling on 
Vivie. "Computer lights. What the hell? When did  you come in?"

"Hello to you to sunshine." Vivie chuckled as she tried to  stuff the baby 
clothes under her pillow with Alex pinning her down. "Just got  here. I thought 
you were on the bridge." 

"Uh, sorry about this." Alex  stood up so Vivie could get up. "I was, but I 
had or rather have a terrific  headache so I was tying to get rid of it by 
laying on the couch. I didn't hear  you come in." 

Vivie kicked the little yellow bag under the bed while  stuffing the little 
outfit completely under the pillow. "Aww my poor baby."  Standing up she 
wrapped her arms around Alex's neck and kissed each of her  temples. "Why don't 
go back and lay down and I'll get you something for it."  

"I thought I would try laying in here since the bed would be more  
comfortable than the couch. You don't have to get me anything. I will get  
something in 
a bit. So what have you been up to?"

"Nothing." Vivie  replied quickly and then lead her wife to her own side of 
the bed and away from  Vivie's. "There's no sense in you suffering when I can 
get you a hypo from the  bathroom. Now lay down and don't move."  

Something was up and Alex was determined to find out. "Really, you  don't 
have to get me anything?" More softly she thought to herself, "God forbid  T 
to find out you were waiting on me." Laying flat wasn't helping, so Alex  
grabbed Vivie's pillow and placed it on top of her own. She looked over and saw 
the outfit. Picking it up she looked at it and called out, "Vivie, what is  

"What's what?" Vivie called back as she picked through their  medicine 
cabinet. When she walked out with the hypo her eyes went wide. "Oh  that." She 
with a sheepish smile.

"Yes, this, and why was it stuffed  under your pillow?" The pounding in her 
head had increased ten fold by  now.

Walking over Vivie pressed the hypo to Alex's neck and listened for  the hiss 
before removing it and setting it down on Alex's night stand. "Isn't it  just 
to cute for words?" 

Feeling the medicine course through her body,  Alex started to relax a 
little. "Just what is it, exactly?" Alex knew she  sounded harsh and she really 
didn't mean to but her conversation with Lish had  her on edge. Lately 
seemed to have her on edge.

Vivie took  the outfit from Alex and place it on the bed, laying the hat and 
booties out as  well. "It's a newborn's once piece sleeper." She replied. "See 
I got it with the  light green since we don't know if the baby will be a boy 
or a girl."  

"Isn't it a little early to be buying baby clothes? You aren't even  pregnant 

A dark blush colored Vivie's cheeks as she picked the  things up and put them 
back in the bag. "I guess so. I guess I just got to  excited." 

Alex grabbed Vivie, "I'm sorry. It really is cute and I  shouldn't have been 
so abrupt. I didn't mean to dampen your excitement. It's  just......"

Turning to look at Alex, Vivie finally noticed that something  more was 
wrong. "What is it, Alex?" 

Alex looked away from Vivie. She  didn't know what to say or what to do. 
"Nothing, it's nothing. So how was your  day?"

"Alexis." Vivie said firmly as she sat the bag on the bed and took  hold of 
Alex's shoulders. "Talk to me. Lish said we needed to talk when things  
bothered us. Don't you dare hold back on me." 

"I'm not holding back on  you. I just don't know what to say or do about 
what's on my mind. No matter what  I do someone could get hurt and I don't want 
that someone to be  you."

"Life isn't always roses and sunshine, Alex." Vivie replied as she  pulled 
Alex down onto the bed to sit beside her. "You need to stop worrying  about 
hurting peoples feelings and talk about things. My feelings are going to  get 
from time to time, and so are yours. It's what happens when people  share a 
life. So stop trying to make everything gum drops and lollipops and talk  to 

"I've been talking to Lish for a couple of times now. It has  nothing to do 
with our having a baby." Damnit, I can't come between her and  her sister. It 
just isn't fair or right. 

Vivie took Alex's hand in  hers and used her free hand to comb her fingers 
through Alex's short hair. "What  then?" 

"It's Tawny. I know how much she resents, or rather hates me, and  I also 
know how it tears you up. I can't come between you and your sister  Vivie." 
turned her head to hide a tear and murmured something under her  breath.

"Your not going to come between us, Alex." Vivie replied as she  grabbed hold 
of Alex's chin and made her look at her. "These are T's issues not  yours." 
She heard Alex mumble and asked, "What was that?" 

"I can't go on  with the charade. Something has to be done. When she is here 
I feel like I don't  belong in my own home. I don't deserve to be talked to 
the way she talks to me.  I feel like a pariah in my own home. Something has to 
done but I am not  sure what?"
Vivie sighed. "I'm sorry you feel that way when she's here." She knew that  
sooner of later they'd have to deal with this, but she had been hoping it  
wouldn't happen for a while. "But what do you want me to do Alex? Ask my sister 
to stay away? I can't do that. It's why she is the way she is with me. I pushed 
 her out of my life and left her once, I can't do that to her again." 

"I  don't want you to do anything. It is something I am going to have to do. 
Lish  says I shouldn't let her provoke me, yet she does. I see how she treats 
you when  I am around. I am the one that is going to have to do something." 
just  sat there with a tear in her eye.

"The way she treats me?" Vivie was  confused. 

"When I am around she acts like anything you do for me is  wrong or I am 
using you. I can't let that go on anymore. I have offered her my  respect, 
her into our home, yet she still doesn't care. If she cared  about your 
happiness, she wouldn't berate me in front of you, she would try and  talk you 
of having our child. She wouldn't think that you are being stuck  with me 
forever. I just can't deal with it anymore." Alex got up and got some  water, 
returning to the bedroom with it. "I'm sorry Vivie."

"What for?"  

"For feeling this way and dumping it on you. From now on whenever T is  over 
I will make myself scarce. I am not going to come between you and the best  
way to make sure that doesn't happen is to make sure that her and I have no  
contact. She is welcome in our home, but when she is here I won't be. As I  
said, I'm sorry." Alex stood up and walked into the other room with tears  
flowing down her face. She couldn't think of any other way.

Vivie  followed Alex into the other room. "Alex, avoiding her isn't going to 
do  anything. That's not working on the problem it's running away from it."  

"After talking to Lish and learning that his bondmate's mother doesn't  
approve of their relationship and that he chooses not to speak to her, it 
like a perfect solution. Nothing is going to change the way T feels about me.  
She is your sister and your family and as such you should be together. I just  
won't be there at the same time."

"My sister isn't Seren's mother and  your not Lish." Vivie replied. Her voice 
getting a little louder. As far as she  was concerned both her sister and 
Alex were acting like brats. "How do you know  for sure that T won't ever like 
you? She knows that you don't like her cause she  don't like you. Your both 
being stupid." 

"Actually it is Seren who  refuses to not speak to his mother. It was his 
decision to make not Lish's. I am  not going to force you to choose between the 
two of us, so I am making the  decision to not interact with her. Maybe in time 
that will change, but I  don't see that happening in the foreseeable future. 
Especially after hearing the  conversation the two of you had earlier. I am 
not doing this to be mean to  either of you. It is something I have to do for 
myself, before I totally lose  it. Please try and understand?"

"I understand that your unwilling to work  things out with T." Vivie huffed. 
"How do you expect things to work out in the  future? Magic? And what about 
when the baby comes? What are you going to do? Are  you going to leave sick bay 
when she comes to see us? Not come to our child's  baptism cause T's there? Do 
you plan on not attending any of our child's  birthday parties, Christmases 
at my mothers, or any other event in our child's  life cause T's there? This is 
fucking bull shit, Alex." 

Alex stood there  and let Vivie yell at her like a damn had burst. "I never 
said I would not  attend different occasions. I said I was not going to 
interact with her. I will  of course be there when our child is born and for 
all the 
important steps. I  just will not be talking to T. I am sorry if you feel that 
my feelings are bull  shit, but that is your prerogative. I have extended the 
olive branch, I never  once said I didn't like her, she hasn't given me a 
chance to get to know her. I  have welcomed her into our home. What more do you 
want me to do Vivie? Tell me?  Should I let her walk all over me just so she 
can have her own way? Should I  allow her to mistreat me, because she thinks I 
am wrong for you? You tell me  what the fuck to do! I am trying to make it 
easier for all involved but all it  is, is fucking bull shit." Alex walked into 
the kitchen area, sat on a stool and  held her head in her hands. Her entire 
body was shaking and she could do nothing  to stop it.

"I didn't mean your feelings were bullshit, Alexis." Vivie  told her wife as 
she stood in the kitchen door way. "And I didn't say that you  should let her 
walk all over you. I do however thing you two need to finally  hash it out, 
but since your unwilling to even try and would rather runway and  hide then 
fucking settle this myself." With that Vivie headed for the door.  

Alex beat Vivie to the door and would not let her leave. "I am not  unwilling 
to try nor am I running away. There is nothing for you to settle. I  don't 
want to fight with you."


"No, I am not  moving."

Vivie glared at Alex. "I'm tired of this shit, Alexis. I won't  bring my baby 
into a family that hates each other, now move so I can deal with  this." 

"So now it's your baby? I do not hate your sister. Why  won't you at least 
try and understand my side?"
"I understand." Vivie spat. "I understand that you want to ignore the problem 
 and hope it goes away. And yes when I'm protecting him or her then he or she 
is  my baby." 
Alex removed herself from the door. "Fine, have it your way. Maybe  having a 
child isn't such a good idea after all. You have already eliminated me  from 
the equation when it comes to protecting the baby." Alex walked over to the  
couch and sat down staring at the wall, ready to explode.

Vivie  sighed. "I didn't mean it that way." 

Alex just stared at the wall. "It  doesn't matter anymore. You think I am 
running away, or that I hate your sister,  or that I am not willing to try and 
work things out. You have made yourself  quite clear on the matter."

"Isn't that what your doing?" Vivie asked.  "Alexis, instead of confronting T 
your going to avoid her? That's running away."  

"It really doesn't matter anymore. You are quite correct in saying it is  
your baby. After all you are the one having it, you will be the one  nursing 
I am just a source for the other egg." Feeling totally defeated Alex  
whispered, "just tell me what you want me to do. Just tell me."

Vivie  sighed. "There's just no talking to you when your in one of these self 
loathing  moods. Alexis, I didn't mean that he or she would be my baby alone. 
I just don't  want to have to answer him or her one day when he or she asks, 
"Momma, why does  Mommy never talk to or look at Aunt T?" 

"I am not in a self loathing  mood as you put it. You won't have to worry 
about answering that question. I  will put on my nice face and do my best to 
along with T. We will just forget  this discussion ever happened." Alex got up 
and walked into the bedroom and laid  down with her face in the pillow, 
trying to desperately hide the sobs and  tears.

Vivie could no longer hide her own hurt and tears. "Fine, Alexis!  Do what 
ever the fuck you want!" With that Vivie walked out the door. 
Alex heard Vivie walk out the door, and didn't know what to do. They had at  
one time vowed to never leave during a fight. After waiting for a while Alex  
went for a walk of her own.

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  • » [ussgeorgetown] "Family Discussion: Part One Alex and Vivie Lazzara-Henderson