[ussgeorgetown] Confrontinf Families by Alexis Lazarra-Henderson & Elishvrachen ch'Thane

  • From: TKilyle@xxxxxxx
  • To: ussgeorgetown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 17:21:39 EDT

It had been a couple of days since  Alex and Vivie had spoken to Lish, yet 
she was still feeling at odds. Perhaps  she should go talk to him herself. She 
changed into her off duty clothing and  made her way to the counselor's office. 
Taking a deep breath she rang the chime,  almost hoping he wouldn't be there. 
She was afraid he might figure out what was  really bothering her.
As always, Lish got up to answer  the door himself.  The fact that he had a 
lot more of a caseload because  Pas was concentrating in Calista was no bother 
to him.  He wanted all to go  well for them.  His eyes crinkled when he saw 
Alex at the door.   "Alex, come in--please.  Welcome back."
Alex nervously entered the  counselor's office. She sat on the couch trying 
not to look directly at Lish.  She knew he wasn't telepathic, but that didn't 
mean he couldn't sense that  something was wrong. "I hope I am not bothering 
you, if so I can come  back."
"Why would you be bothering me?"  Lish asked as he walked to the replicator.  
Would you like something to  drink?  I have been working a bit extra lately 
to take some of the load off  of Dr. Kaartaren so this is not bother."
"No thanks, I am fine. I don't want  to add to your load. Maybe I should just 
come back later. I shouldn't have come  unannounced."
"No, no, you are quite welcome,  Alex," Lish said as he returned with a cup 
of Vulcan spice tea.  "I am used  to the unplanned visits.  So, let that be the 
least of your worries.   Tell me what is on your mind or have you just come 
to visit?  That would be  equally welcome."
"I'm not exactly sure why I am  here." Which was true. "I guess there is 
still a lot on my mind and I  don't know what to do about it." Alex was 
tapping her  leg.
"Start at the beginning?" he  suggested as he sipped the tea.  "Or perhaps 
with what is easiest, wherever  that may fall."
Alex's mouth was drier  than a desert. "Could I bother you for some cold 
water? I would really  appreciate it. As for what is on my mind none of it is 
easy." Believe me,  it's not easy at all....
"Of course," Lish said as he got  up.  The water was cold enough to form 
condensation on the sides of the  glass.  Setting it down on the low table in 
front of her, he sat back  down.  Tapping a slender blue finger against his 
he said, "Shall I  start for you then, Alex?  There is more going through your 
thoughts than  just this subject of you and your wife having a child.  That 
much is  obvious to me."
Alex almost spit out her  drink at Lish's comment. "I thought Andorians 
weren't  telepathic.  What makes you think that there is anything else going on 
my head other than the baby?" Maybe this was a bad idea after all, I'm  not 
ready to discuss anything else.  "I know that whatever is  discussed in here is 
confidential, but I don't think I am ready to discuss  anything other than 
the subject of the baby. I don't even know if I understand  what is going on or 
"One need not be telepathic to be  able to read body language and subliminal 
messages, Alex," Lish said  gently.  "What ever else that is on your mind can 
wait until you are  ready.  But tell me, what of a baby?  You do not seem so 
eager to have  one in your life yet you also want to please your wife."
"It's not that I don't want a baby,  it's just I'm not so sure I can handle 
it. As it is her younger sister, who is  serving on this ship can't stand the 
sight of me and thinks that Vivie would be  tied to me forever if we had this 
baby. According to her I am not right for her  sister. She thinks Vivie would 
be better off to be rid of me, than to pursue  this option. I don't understand. 
 I don't understand any of  it."
Taking a sip of water, Alex felt  the coolness flow over her raw throat. 
"Lish, I love my wife, very much. I want  to make her happy and I thought we 
but now with T on board, she is an  intrusion. One I don't necessarily like. 
Not that I think a baby would be an  intrusion. Hell, I don't know what I 
think anymore."
"I think there is a saying that one  can choose friends but not family.  That 
is not necessarily so when a  person chooses to marry or to bond.  I have yet 
to meet Viviana's sister  but let me ask you this--are you or Viviana 
allowing her to interfere or is it  just that she is troublesome?"
"No, at least I don't think so. I  know that it tears Vivie in half...makes 
her feel as if there is not enough of  her to go around. I have tried to be 
cordial to her sister, I have told her she  is welcome in our home, yet she 
refuses to give me the respect I deserve,  even though I have offered it to 
"Her sister, though, is hers to  deal with.  If you are trying to do what you 
consider the right thing, then  that is all you can do.  A relationship, even 
one that is so rancorous,  takes effort from both parties.  You and Viviana 
need to discuss the matter  without recriminations, without finger pointing," 
Lish said softly.  "In  the end, there may be a choice to be made by someone.  
In my bondmate's  case, he is not speaking to his mother...because of me."
"I am sure you have read my file  and are aware I have no family or siblings. 
Dealing with Vivie's sister is a new  experience for me, and not one that I 
am doing a good job with. I don't want to  come between Vivie and her sister, 
and by making her choose is not fair. I am at  a loss as to what to do? Family 
is everything to Vivie."
"One cannot choose if there is no  choice to be made.  That decision is not 
yours to make.  It is  hers.  You aren't asking her to make a choice.  Let me 
give you an  example.  Seren's mother does not like me and he knows that.  I do 
not  prevent him from speaking to her. He is free to do as he wishes but he 
chooses  not to.  His choice.  Not mine."
"I know it is her choice, but I  also know how much it hurts her when T and I 
argue, or T talks bad about me. I'm  not sure what to do."
"Do not allow her to bait you into  an argument, Alex," Lish said.  "If that 
is what she is seeking, if she is  seeking to provoke you, then do not allow 
it.  Find a way to deflect,  diffuse, or even ignore the words.  Many times, in 
such situations, it wets  the fuel for the fire and leaves the one with the 
match at a loss."
Listening to what Lish was saying,  she wondered what her Kylara was doing. 
"I am trying not to let  her bait me, but she is doing so and it is hurting 
Vivie. Ignoring words that  hurt are not my strong point, Lish. They tend to 
anger me more than  anything."
"I did not say that you had to  ignore what she was saying, Alex," Lish said 
calmly.  "I simply suggest  that you find a way to make them unimportant or 
take the anger they provoke and  channel it into something that will either 
diffuse it or calm you  down."
"And what do you suggest I do,  besides leaving my own quarter's?"


"Learn to deal with a problem  before it happens," Lish told her.  "Again, I 
will use myself as an  example.  I have been within sight distance of Seren's 
mother but, to me,  she does not exist.  I deflect what she stirs up in me.  
In that case,  it was to flatly turn my back on her and ignore her."
"There is no way in hell that  Vivie is going to let that happen. Family is 
everything to her and now, with  wanting a baby, if I were to choose to ignore 
Tawny, all it would do is stir up  a giant hornet's nest. She will accuse me 
of running from the problem instead of  facing it or Tawny. She'll come up with 
some way to make me feel like what I am  feeling doesn't count. She may not 
do it intentionally but it will  happen."
You can count on it  happening........
"Maybe I should just let things be  as they are? She doesn't need the added 
stress piled on while trying to have a  baby. She was raised in a family where 
for the most part everyone got along and  that's the kind of family she wants 
now. Not one where I choose not to interact  with her sister, or however I 
decide to deal with it."
Lish's antennae twitched toward each other in a  shrug.  His gray eyes were a 
serious calm.  "You are, of course, free  to do as you will but I think you 
would do well to consider that allowing  resentment to fester will only result 
in it blowing up in your face rather than  being able to deal with it while it 
is small."
"There again lies part of the problem. Vivie is quite  stubborn and no matter 
what I do, be in leave them alone when she shows up at  our door, or not 
speak to her at family gatherings, she is going to explode in  my face. She 
doesn't understand because she doesn't see it. She sees her sister  as just 
how she always is or was. It also doesn't help with her serving on  the same 
ship. Lish I don't know what to do.  I don't want her to have  to choose 
the two of us, because she shouldn't have to and because I am  afraid of what 
her choice will be. I know that makes no sense and right now I  make no sense."
Alex just stood up, with her arms around her and  started to pace.
"Have the three of you actually sat down to talk about  this?"
"No, Tawny can't stand to be in the same room as I am."  Still pacing Alex 
was getting more and more nervous.
"Then it may be a wise idea to ask for a family  meeting, for that is what 
you are after all, whether you get along or not," Lish  told her.  "One deals 
with different family members in different  ways.  What works for me with 
Seren's brother-in-law is not the same that  works for me with our house mates 
"I don't know Lish, how is one supposed to hold a  family meeting when one of 
the member's can't stand to stay in the same room  with one of the others? I 
can't see Tawny sitting in the same room with me and  her sister trying to 
come to some kind of agreement. From the first moment we  met, she didn't 
or like me and it has gone down hill  since."
"Perhaps working your way up to three by starting with  two?" Lish asked.  
"You and Alex, solely about this matter, then Viviana  and her sister...."
Looking at Lish, Alex was growing tired of talking. She  was running out of 
words to say. "I suppose I could give it a try, although I am  pretty sure how 
Vivie is going to react. Thanks for putting up with me  Lish."
With that Alex headed home to try to talk to Vivie,  hoping nothing exploded 
in the  process.

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  • » [ussgeorgetown] Confrontinf Families by Alexis Lazarra-Henderson & Elishvrachen ch'Thane