[ussgeorgetown] Family Bonds by Christain and Calista DeAngelo and Pas Kaartaren

  • From: TKilyle@xxxxxxx
  • To: ussgeorgetown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, usstempest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 19:40:55 EDT

***takes place from the middle of "Saturday  Evening Social"on Georgetown and 
before Tempest makes the wormhole  leap
First and foremost, Pas pushed his own  fears, for Calista and for their 
babies that she carried, far into the back of  his mind.  Even as he carried 
his arms holding her to his chest, he was also had his arms around her  
mentally.  Over and over, until he  could set her down and concentrate, he told 
~~It's alright, Imzadi.  I'm here, Calista.  It's alright.~~
"What happened?" he asked aloud, his dark eyes showing the fear he  wouldn't 
let through in mentally. 
"We received some rather disturbing news of our father,"  Christian answered, 
still moving before them and clearing a path as he projected  a surprisingly 
strong sense of peace and calm to his sister and her unborn  children. "She 
was ill prepared, not for the news, but for her own reaction to  it." 
Control, iron clad control.  It was the only thing  that kept Pas from 
letting what he really thought about the man show in thought  or word.  "I'm 
to hear that," he said neutrally.  He didn't like  the man at all but he was 
still their father.  ~~~Calista, we're going to  Sick Bay.  I want you all 
checked out. I love you and I want you safe and  sound~~~ 
"Yeah...me too..." Christian responded, completely deadpan.  He continued to 
project an amazing sense of peace and calm he did not feel,  keeping his own 
issues on the entire matter very carefully private for the  moment. 
Pas walked into Sick Bay and set his beloved on one of the  bio beds.  It was 
a simple thing to set up an opaque privacy shield around  the bed.  He just 
hoped Rachelle would understand the need to do this  without asking why.  She 
could yell at him later if she wanted to.   One hand gently smoothed away the 
auburn curls that clung to her forehead and  his other hand settled gently on 
her abdomen.  He didn't know whether the  unborn children could actually 
understand their father's thoughts or not, but he  prayed for intention.  It 
warmth, safety, and love--for them and for  their mother.   
~~Calista, sweetheart, talk to me.  You're safe  now~~ 
One hand clenched his own as she stirred weakly, the  emotions sorting 
themselves out a bit as she drew peace and calm from one, and  the strength of 
love from the other. "the babies?" she asked weakly, tears  beginning in her 
"I've got them," Christian reassured them both aloud  and mentally, as well. 
"Relax and rest there in your beloved's arms. The shock  of the break is not 
so far worn off yet that you can afford to worry for any but  yourself yet." He 
seemed oddly fatigued already, yet continued to project  has he had, without 
faltering, an overwhelming sense of calm and peace to  Calista and her unborn 
"They're worried about their mama, I'm sure," Pas said  softly, still gently 
stroking her hair.  "Talk to me...talk to us,  sweetheart.  Your brother's 
here.  I'm here.  You are safe, all  three of you are safe." 
Calista settled back into the safety of Pas gentle  caresses, her eyes 
fluttering slightly. "I...he's gone, Pas. Dead...and I ...I  can't 
No sorry, no remorse...no regret." She began to sob as  she admitted. "He's 
gone, and I'm ...glad...he's gone..." ~am I still the  monster he wanted me to 
be?~ her mind cried out. ~Does he still win after  all?~ 
~~No, Calista, no.  You are no monster. You're  doing what any good mother 
might do.  You want to protect your  children,  Why would you engage in hateful 
thoughts, even to acknowledge  them, if you thought it would hurt your 
babies?~~  "Cry, sweetheart, but  it's okay.  You are no monster.  I love you.  
loves  you.  Look at your crew mates.  I know it's a bit touchy still with  
Viviana and Alex but Tawa thins the world of you and so do a lot of  others.  
You are NO monster." 
Christian shook his head, and sighed, continuing to project  gentle 
assurances, peace and calm toward Calista and the babes she carried,  though 
the toll 
was becoming more and more visible. A thin sheen of perspiration  broke out 
upon his fair skin and his hands began to shake.  
Pas turned his dark eyes to his soon to be  brother-in-law.  ~~Christian, 
stop.  I won't have you hurt yourself.  Talk to me...teach me...but I won't 
you hurt...~ 
"It's not...something...I can teach you.." he gasped, his  face becoming 
ashen. "You cannot...hold them...as I do..." he drew a shaking  breath. "Only 
can...you have...to...to calm....her...." he fought to remain  conscious, the 
waves of peace and calm faltering, but only for a moment. He  turned his back 
to Pas, focusing his attention more fully on the children  Calista carried. 
Pas' mouth thinned for a moment, knowing the other man was  right.  
Still...he hated to see him so sickly pale looking.  "I owe  you, brother, and 
I won't 
ever be able to repay you.  Thank  you."   ~~Calista, there is no shame in not 
loving someone who was no  father to you.  You have become so much better 
than any monster you might  think you used to be.  See how Mika sees you...~~~ 
"You owe me nothing," Christian said softly through  clenched teeth, hardly 
daring to spare the attention. "it is what family  does..." He faltered to his 
knees, though he still refused to let go, cradling  the infants 
gently...essentially "carrying" Calista's children for her, within a  bubble of 
calm he'd 
created within her womb....shielding them from the effects  of the shock she's 
feeling, while simulating their connection to her....and now,  protecting them 
from the desperation that crept in as the darkness threatened.  
Pas knew his daughter's thoughts, as sweet and simple as  they were.  There 
was that soft pink, glittery light, the one the smelled  of citrus,  that was 
always Mika to him.  The light danced around the  bright white light that 
smelled of jasmine.  The pink light seemed to  always reach for the white, 
to play, seeming to embrace.  And, in  the background, himself, which, in what 
always surprised him, was an almost  royal blue glow... 
Calista seemed to relax as her light was enveloped in  Mika's own, and Pas' 
as well, and smiled. Dear Mika. She surrounded herself in  the love and 
laughter the two provided, like a cloak or shield, then slowly drew  their 
children back to her, adding their light to their own.  
Christian let go as Calista took them, landing somewhat  unceremoniously upon 
the floor, maintaining a tenuous connection then, despite  the darkness that 
sought to overtake him, relieved yet reluctant to completely  withdraw until 
he was sure all was well. 
Poor Christian.  The man is going to have an awful  headache later, Pas 
thought wryly.  He reached out mentally, though.   ~~Christian, come on.  join 
us.~~~  He was an only child but he saw  what the man felt for his sister.  He 
could see calling him  brother. 
Christian returned within, but remained on the fringe, his  own light, 
seemingly like yet surprisingly different from Calista's own, present  and yet 
quite enmeshed with the others. 
Pas was absolutely delighted.  Betazoid children  didn't usually develop 
their psi talents until they were in their teens yet  these two tiny, fragile 
beings were mental presences already.  ~~Oh,  Calista...this beautiful...it 
just...Imzadi, you have made me happier than a man  deserves...~~ 
Calista caressed him gently, knowing without question it  was she who was in 
debt. He'd made her whole, completed her as no other could,  and loved her 
without question or judgement. Noting her brother's seeming  distance, she 
reached out to him. ~Christian, please...it's only right they all  should know 
other part of me...~ 
~~Please, Christian.  If I've allowed them to see  Mika's presence because 
she'll be their sister, shouldn't they know their uncle,  who loves them 
already, too?~~  His arm was still around Calista physically  but he held out a 
mental hand, gesturing the other man  closer. 
Christian moved slowly, tentatively closer, having no  desire to confuse them 
this early on. Carefully, he added his own light to  theirs, mindful of the 
balance they'd already achieved. 
"Now, tell me, Christian.  Tell me what I need to do  to watch over 
her..watch over them..." 
Christian smiled slightly, gesturing toward the  intermingled lights, 
caressing and supporting one another. "You don't need me to  tell you anything, 
brother," he answered quietly. "You're already doing  it." 
"I think, Calista," Pas said as he gently kissed he  forehead, "that we're 
going to have to put you on light duty.  I don't want  anything to hurt 
them...or you."  He sounded like an overprotective,  domineering jerk but it 
what he meant...  He gave Christian a wry  smile.  "As for you, I think a good 
analgesic is in  order." 
"Light duty..Pas, this isn't the time..." Calista protested  before Christian 
cut her off.  
"He's right, Cali. And you know he's right. If you value  those lives inside 
you, you'll stop arguing now and rest." Before he could say  more, his stomach 
lurched. Grabbing the nearest emesis basin, he lost the battle  to regain 
control, becoming somewhat violently ill, then looked up at Pas  
"An analgesic would be welcomed, thank  you." 
Pas resisted the urge to laugh at the man, simply because  he knew his own 
head was going to hurt later.  Instead, he slid his arm  away from Calista and 
got up to go to the med cabinet there in the closed off  area.  He found the 
appropriate preloaded hypo and held it up for Christian  to see.  "Your basic 
broad spectrum analgesic," he said as he pressed it to  the other man's neck.  
"She's not allergic to it so I doubt you are  either." 
Pas turned his warm brown eyes to look at the beloved green  ones.  "Calista, 
please.  I'll fill out the paperwork myself and have  Rachelle back me up.  
If T'Leara gives you a hard time, she can talk to  me," he said simply.  He 
didn't want to argue with the Vulcan woman but  there was only one compromise 
light duty was it. 
"To hell with T'Leara, this isn't about her. It's about me  and my job. I 
have an important one, and a partner who counts on me,  sweetheart..I can't 
not be there..." Calista looked at him frowning. How  could he even be 
suggesting this right now, when there was still so much  going on. 
"Believe me, imzadi, I know your job is important.   People in your line of 
work have saved my neck way too many times than I care to  think.  I just want 
you to be well..for them to be well..." Pas said.   He bit back a sigh.  The 
last thing he wanted was for her to be angry with  him. 
"Enough, Calista," Christian spoke gently but firmly from  where he sat. 
"There are others to do what you can't, but you will not endanger  those two 
again.  Do you understand? Pas will treat you kindly in his  request, 
only that you are weakened and he loves you. He has no  desire to hurt you. 
But the young have voices you have yet to hear, and I will  not have them 
silenced because you put a ship before them." Looking at her  sternly, he 
"Would that Mother had thought so far forward. Magdalena  would be less fragile 
then, would she not?" 
Cali went white, then red with anger, but only for a  moment. When it passed, 
she nodded, looking ashamed. "I'm sorry. You're right. I  have to put their 
needs first." She looked at Pas lovingly. "See to it for  me?" 
"No, Calista, we can see to it together," Pas said  gently.  "While I'd carry 
you around and baby you if you'd let me, I don't  think I'd get too very far. 
 We can talk to T'Leara.  I know there are  less stressful but equally 
important things you can do." 
"I'll leave you two to work it out," Christian said, rising  a bit unsteadily 
from where he'd been seated. "I'm afraid I'm running late as it  is. I've got 
to get ready for one of those terribly long and boring speech and  liquor 
filled launch fiascos then ready the ship for our departure." He moved to  kiss 
Calista on the cheek. ~Do as he says and all will be well. No arguing.  
Please.~ He brushed a hand gently along her cheek, then turned to offer it to  
"Nice meeting you, Pas. Take care of them," He smiled, a smile so like  
Calista's as to leave no question of their relation, adding, "And yourself, as  
Pas took the proffered hand, shook it warmly then, out of  instinct, gave the 
man a hug.  "Thank you, Christian."  ~~For  everything.~~

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  • » [ussgeorgetown] Family Bonds by Christain and Calista DeAngelo and Pas Kaartaren