[ussgeorgetown] False Testimony by Tawa Pax & Elspeth Aigremont

  • From: TKilyle@xxxxxxx
  • To: ussgeorgetown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2005 12:52:12 EDT

Tawa knew he definitely owed  Calista a ton of ice cream and hot chocolate.  
The report on their review  of the pics and vids of Elspeth Aigremont was 
concise and well written.  He  could have done it eventually but it would never 
have turned out so well.   He had to talk to Dr. Kaartaren but first there was 
the matter of Mrs.  Aigremont.  He had to talk to her again and see what she'd 
say about his  findings.
He'd been in the library before,  by himself and with T'Pern, so he knew 
exactly where to find her.  "Good  morning, Mrs. Aigremont.  Do you have a few 
moments?  I need to talk  to you some more."

"Of course," Elspeth said cheerfully.  "Come  through to my office.  Can I 
get you  something?"
"Ah, no, thank you, ma'am.   I already had coffee and that's enough in the 
morning," Tawa said as he followed  her to the office.  He waited until she was 
seated at her desk to  began.  He almost would have sworn that the chair he 
had was a bit too  small, almost kid sized, and he wondered if any adults ever 
came in there.   "I'd like to ask you about your injuries again please."

"My husband  inflicted them," she said bluntly.  "What else do you need to  
Tawa's nose twitched  slightly.  "Tell me again what he did and how."

"I've been  over this with you, Ensign, you have it all on record.  I don't 
see how  going over it again will change anything."  Sucking in her cheeks, she 
 peered haughtily at the young man.  "He beat me when he was drunk or angry  
or both or just for the joy of doing it.  He would remove his belt and beat  
me soundly, sometimes until I bled.  Happy  now?"
"Alright. Other than the smack that he admitted to, when was the last  time 
he hit you?  Tell me what happened," Tawa said calmly.  Dead  fish and burning 
paper.  Goddess what a nauseating smell.  I'm glad I  didn't eat  breakfast...

Wracking her memory, Elspeth tried to the  best of her ability to remember.  
He'd been angry... yes, that was  it.  "He was furious, really aggravated 
about his CO, a stuck up bitch he  called her.  Made out like her relationship 
with a non-com was a perversion  of nature.  I tried to reason with him, told 
that as long as they were  happy, what did rank matter?"  She shook her head, 
fear playing in her  eyes.  "I should have known better, should have kept my 
mouth shut.   He punched me then forced me to heal it before beating me as 
normal.  He  hates leaving visible marks except on my front and back where I 
they're  there." 
Tawa nodded, making notes.   He knew she meant Lieutenant McKay and Chief 
Ecitsuj but the only thing about  her story that matched anyone else's was the 
names of the people involved.   "I understand that you say you're in fear of 
sergeant major, ma'am, but why  not talk to Security?  Or to one of the 
counselors or  doctors?"

"He'd have killed me.  The only reason I did this time was  because he said 
he was going to start on poor Jassa."  Sudden concern  crossed her face.  "Is 
the poor little thing alright?  She's totally  under his control, you know.  
She's probably told you that he's a good man,  a sweet man.  She's defending 
to the hilt, I take it."  Sighing  loudly, Elspeth shook her head.  "That 
poor, deluded  girl."
"That's actually exactly what she said, Mrs. Aigremont.  I talked to  her and 
Chief Ecitsuj last night.  She's perfectly fine.  In fact, she  made an offer 
that I may have to take her up on.  Asked to have Dr.  Kaartaren prove she 
was telling me the truth," Tawa said casually.  He  fixed his bright blue eyes 
on Elspeth and didn't blink.  "My partner and I  reviewed those pictures and 
vids I took, Mrs. Aigremont."

Elspeth shifted  uncomfortably in her seat at the mention of the Betazoid 
counselor.  She  wasn't going have an alien rooting  around her head, no 
"And I  take it they support my claims?" 
"No, ma'am, they do not.   From my personal experience and through the 
training both my partner and I have  both had, it does not seem at all likely 
Sergeant Major Aigremont caused  any of the injuries you have except for the 
one to your face," he said  simply.  It was the truth.  Even if his grades in 
the class sucked, to  put it plainly, he did pay attention to Commander 
class on biology and  evidential procedures.

"What are you implying, Ensign Pax?  Are you  calling me a liar?"
"It wouldn't be my place to do that, Mrs. Aigremont.  I'm simply  telling you 
what the evidence shows.  I didn't have the time, nor do I have  the ability, 
to alter anything.  The pics and vids speak for themselves,"  Tawa said 

"And what exactly is the evidence showing you?   Who did this to me if not my 
husband?  I swear to you it was Vincent, you  have to believe me."
"That's why I'm here,  ma'am.  I'll ask you again: how did you get those 
injuries?" Tawa  asked.  He refused to raise his voice.  He had better things 
get  mad about.

"I told you!" she said in frustration and fear.  "You  have to believe me, if 
you don't protect me, he'll kill  me."
"Mrs. Aigremont, the sergeant major isn't going to do anything to  anybody.  
He's been relieved of duty pending the disposition of this case  and between 
Lieutenant McKay, Chief Ecitsuj, me, and my partner, he hardly has  the chance 
to turn around without one of us knowing about it," Tawa  stated.  
It was the truth.  If the  man even thought about stepping out of line, he'd 
find his throat being squeezed  by one very irate Ninitchik.  Tawa knew the 
chief would get to him long  before he did.  "One last time, ma'am: where did 
the injuries come  from?"

"I told you!"  Elspeth rose  to her feet and pointed adamantly at the door.  
"I think it is time for you  to leave, Ensign.  I will not have my integrity 
questioned by some young,  wet-behind-the-ears child who is barely out of 
nappies let alone the  Academy.  Next time, send someone who has the experience 
know when a  person is telling the truth."
If the reek of the dead fish and  burning paper wasn't so strong, Tawa might 
have laughed.  He couldn't  recall the last time anybody, except for Revaed, 
insulted him based on his  age.  "Not a problem, ma'am.  My partner has already 
forwarded our  report to Lieutenant T'Leara.  I'm going to file an addendum 
when I  leave here as well," he said as he stood up.  "The case isn't closed 
yet,  Mrs. Aigremont, but I'm going to remind you about that stay away order I  
issued.  Don't violate it."

"Just get out, would you?"  Elspeth  sank into her chair, her head in her 
hands.  "Please."
"Not a problem, ma'am."  He headed for the door.  Some smart ass  part of 
him, which was really a decent chunk, turned and offered her a  smile.  "Have 
good day, Mrs.  Aigremont."

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  • » [ussgeorgetown] False Testimony by Tawa Pax & Elspeth Aigremont