[ussgeorgetown] "Accusations"

  • From: Elizabeth Bethell <ejbethell@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ussgeorgetown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 14:18:06 +0100

by Tawa Pax, Jassa Kost and Elspeth and Vincent Aigremont
 "Security, this is Elspeth Aigremont," she said, her voice coming in 
panicked gasps. "Help me... My husband... He hit me and stormed off... I 
don't know what he's going to do... oh God, Jassa, no..."

 Work PADD in hand, Tawa headed toward what he hoped was the right cabin. 
Ops had Mrs. Aigremont listed as quartered in one place and the sergeant 
major in another. There's got to be a reason for that, he told himself. He 
drew up at where the computer said Mrs. Aigremont ought to be and pressed 
the chime.

 "Ensign Pax from Security."

 Elspeth staggered to the door, her lip throbbing. She let the young man in 
and swooned. Slumping against the door frame, she said, "I am so sorry, 
Ensign. I'm feeling a little dizzy."

 "Maybe you ought to have a seat, ma'am, and tell me what's going on," Tawa 
said. Eyeing her injuries, he added a bit tentatively, "That could wait til 
we take you to Sick Bay if you want, though."

 Her eyes went wide. "No! You have to stop him, he's mad with anger, he did 
this to me." Grabbing the young man's arm, she gripped it tightly. "You have 
to find him, he could hurt someone." Her breath came in short bursts. "My 
husband, Vincent Aigremont, he's dangerous." Pulling her sleeves up, she 
showed him her arms totally covered in bruises. "He's been hitting me for 
years," she admitted quietly.

 Tawa gently, but firmly, disengaged himself from her grip, which felt 
uncomfortably claw-like to him. "We're still on lock down, Mrs. Aigremont. 
He's not going anywhere. I need you to tell me what happened today then I 
need to take some pictures for evidence," he explained. He kept his face 
carefully neutral but he found the allegations rather disturbing, I know 
it's fantasy but I thought stuff like this didn't happen in the Fleet...

 Nodding her head like a nodding dog, Elspeth span her tale of woe and lies. 
She told him how Vincent had burst in there, screaming and shouting, 
threatening to murder her. She described the wildness in his eyes and how 
she was sure he was going after Jassa now as well. "What do you need me to 
do to help you stop him?"

 Tawa wondered if Humans knew they emitted pheromones the same way as Orions 
did. Certainly, they weren't equipped to smell them as he was but they were 
there. Something didn't smell right but he knew T'Leara would never buy his 
sense of smell as evidence. "The simple facts will do, ma'am. I do need to 
take some pictures. If the marks are anywhere that you're uncomfortable 
with, we can do this in Sick Bay, I can have a female officer come down, or 
I can activate the Security vids."

 "I'm not shy about this, Vincent has stripped me of all my dignity years 
ago." Slowly, tentatively, she stripped off her shirt to show dark, angry, 
purple bruises all over her front and back in long thin lines. "He beats me 
with his belt," she whispered, her cheeks reddening and tears leaking out of 
the corners of her eyes. There were bruises upon bruises, months if not 
years of abuse. She waited patiently while the Ensign took images of her 
torso, holding herself as he instructed. "You have to go and find him, 

 Tawa took the necessary pictures with a cool, professional demeanor after 
he activated the Security vid recordings. It was standard procedure and 
something told him that there was no skipping steps here. Not at all. 
"Alright, Mrs. Aigremont, we're done with the pictures. Are you sure you 
don't want medical attention? I'm asking officially."

 "Just find my husband and stop him before he hurts someone else," she said, 
sounding far too much like a martyr for her own good.

 Tawa looked at her for a second but resisted shaking his head. It just 
smelled wrong to him. He hadn't mentioned the havoc that had obviously been 
wrought before he got there but he knew some of it was on the pics he took 
as well as on the vids. 

 "Alright, ma'am. You'll be wanting to stay here. I or somebody from 
Security will keep you posted." He left without further word but, as soon as 
he was half way up the corridor, he approached the nearest comm panel. 
"Computer, what is the location of Sergeant Major Aigremont?"

 "Sergeant Major Aigremont is in Jassa Kost's quarters."


 Jassa stood looking up at Vincent, her browns drawn together in a frown. 
"Vincent, I know you're upset but you need to calm down and tell me what's 
wrong if you want me to help you. Please? There's nothing you can tell me 
that will be that bad..."

 Vincent smiled softly at her, running his knuckles over her cheek. "It 
doesn't matter, ma petite." He kissed her, trying to force away the image of 
the blood on Elspeth's lip and he shuddered.

 "It matters to me, Vincent," Jassa said as she out her arms around him, 
burying her face in his chest. She could feel him shaking ever so slightly. 
Before she could say anything else, though, the chime rang. "I'll get it. 
Just sit and relax. Calm down..."

 Tawa nodded at the lovely Trill woman who answered the door. "Ensign Pax 
from Security, Ms. Kost. I need to speak to the sergeant major."

 Flinching, Vincent stood in front of Jassa. "This is about Elspeth, 

 "Yes, sir, it is," Tawa said simply. He looked at Jassa curiously. She 
didn't seem to be at all cowed with the older man nor was she moving as 
though she were in pain. "Everything okay with you, Ms. Kost?"

 "Of course, it is," Jassa said cautiously. "Why wouldn't it be?"

 Ignoring Jassa's reply, Tawa fixed his vivid blue eyes on Vincent. "Sir, 
would you mind telling me exactly what went on?"

 Vincent moved behind Jassa, placing a hand on her shoulder. "She provoked 
me, I hit her. Once." He didn't look down at Jassa's face, knowing what he'd 
find if he did: disgust, disappointment, betrayal. Thinning his mouth, he 
dropped his hand to his side. "She was excessively rude about Jassa, called 
her... things I don't care to repeat in this room and this company. But she 
was right to call you, I should not have hit her."

 Jassa's jaw dropped. "That ...." She swore viciously in the Trill tongue 
then looked up at Vincent. "I knew there was a reason you were so mad. I 
ought to go over there..."

 Tawa held up one hand. "I need you to stay here, ma'am." He lowered his 
hand, holding it front of him casually with the other. His voice was 
unusually calm and thoughtful. "Just the one time, Sergeant Major? Not 
before then? Ever?"

 Total shock and disgust crossed Vincent's face. "Never! I would never... 
not before... mon dieu, what has she been saying?"

 "The visual evidence, at this point in time, is rather pronounced," Tawa 
said, trying to keep the resignation out of his voice. There was more to it. 
It smelled wrong. He blew out a soft breath. "She's declined medical 
attention, Sergeant Major, but I have to investigate everything fully."

 "He didn't do anything," Jassa snapped sharply. She could feel herself 
starting to shake in anger. That nasty, spiteful bitch. I don't trust her...

 "The visual evidence? What do you mean?" Vincent shook his head, trying to 
dislodge the growing fear. "I don't understand. The worst she could possibly 
have is a fat lip."

"Sir, in any case of assault, we need to take pictures to document injuries 
and what I saw was not the result of a simple smack in the face," Tawa 
began. He weighed his options. The man had a right to know what he was 
accused of. He ran it through his head. What's T'Leara going to do? Fire me? 
He eyed Jassa carefully then beckoned Vincent closer. "Take a look, sir."

The images that flashed in front of Vincent's eyes horrified him and he 
stood so that Jassa wouldn't be able to see. Bile climbed his throat and he 
had to swallow hard to keep from throwing up. "I did not do this." Suddenly 
he felt tears in his eyes. "Mon dieu, mon DIEU! I did not do this! I swear. 
Wh-who did?" Anger warred with disgust as he reached out to touch the abused 
image of his wife. "Whoever did this must pay." I'll kill him.
 Jassa stepped back a pace, not in fear of Vincent's anger, but because of 
what he was actually saying. She bit her lip. *Of course he's upset, you 
fool. That's his wife...*
 Tawa shut off the PADD and held up a hand as if to restrain Vincent. "Can't 
let you do that, sir. I, ah, shouldn't even be saying this because I'm 
supposed to be unbiased, after all, but I do believe you. I just can't let 
it go, though. You understand?"

"Oui. You must arrest me, the evidence demands it." Vincent still didn't 
look at Jassa, his shoulders slumping in resignation.
  Tawa stared at the top of his boots, thinking. *It just smells...wrong. 
The guy reeks of burning paper not like fresh dead fish.* "Look, there are 
things I have to do. Investigate is certainly one of them, sir. I can't see 
tossing you in the brig, though. Your record's been spotless before now. 
What I do have to do is request that you be relieved of duty pending the 
results of the investigation and I do have to notify your department head."

Letting the tears roll down his cheeks unchecked, Vincent just nodded. "Tell 
her I'm sorry, my wife that is. God I wish I'd kept my anger in control." 
Wrapping his arms around himself, he began to shake. "Is there anything else 
that I must do, Ensign?"
  "Not yet, sir. I'll let you know if I need anything. I'm also going to 
issue a stay away order to both of you. No joke. Not within five hundred 
feet and no contact."

"Of course." Vincent felt the cold fear creep up on him again. "I don't know 
where I will be staying but I will let you know as soon as I find out." 
Turning away from both of them, he headed into the bedroom to gather some 
  Jassa felt as if she were going to throw up and there was a cold sheen on 
her forehead. She got up and, after a quick glance into the bedroom, she 
grabbed Tawa's arm. "He didn't do anything. Maybe he did hit her once but 
you know that everyone has their limits. She's been a pack of trouble before 
this, Ensign. There's a ton you don't know."
  Tawa nodded. "I'll be talking to you later on, too, Ms. Kost. Excuse 
  Jassa waited until the door was closed to walk into the bedroom. "What are 
you doing?" she asked quietly.

"Leaving." Still not looking at her, Vincent zipped his carry-all up and 
slung it over his shoulder. "I'll not have this here, I'll not be a party to 
polluting your life any longer. I love you too much. One day it could be you 
that has to call Security to feel safe from me and I'll not have that 
  Jassa stomped over and planted herself right in front of him. "I am not 
afraid you, Vincent," she stated. She stared up at him. "You listen to me. I 
told you once and I will tell you again--I want all of you, not just the 
pretty, shiny things. If that means putting up with whatever's going on then 
that's what I want."

"You didn't see the pictures, ma petite. She's covered in bruises. I'm a 
forensic scientist, I know the evidence of years of abuse when I see it. And 
from what I gather, she's been saying that I'm the one doing it." Shaking 
his head in awe of Jassa's loyalty, Vincent brushed his fingers over her 
face. "On that basis alone, you should be afraid. Run away, or let me run. 
Let me protect you from this, from me."
  Jassa let out a growl of sheer frustration but held his hand to her face, 
knowing it had to be flushed. "Vincent...mon Francais beau...I do not need 
protection from you. You need protection from her. How the hell can I do 
that when you're not here? My mother told me to take care of you. Your 
friend told me to warn you. I don't give in easily. I know you didn't do 
anything but why give her the chance to do more to *you*?"

His breath caught in his throat and his body started to shake with violent 
but silent sobs as he sank to the ground. "I hit her..." Dragging his hand 
away from Jassa, he curled into a ball, still shaking and repeating those 
three words over and over.
  Jassa lowered herself to the floor. She sat next to him, gently stroking 
his back. "That you did but every man, every woman, has their limit, 
Vincent. I don't know what she said to you but that had to be the straw that 
broke the camel's back."

"She called you a whore," Vincent said once the sobs had stopped. "She asked 
if you screw me from above or lying on your back. She refused to sign the 
divorce papers and told me that you'd never have me." The bitterness in his 
voice was poisonous. He threw the words at Jassa, spat them out and thrust 
them down her throat without mercy. "That was what broke me."
 Jassa's free hand curled into a fist. "That vile, nasty...." She swore in 
Trill again then shook her head. Her other hand still sought to still the 
shaking she felt. "Vincent, I really am sorry it came to this but...well, 
it's...that you did that for me..."

"I am a selfish being, Jassa, I do things only for myself." Sighing heavily, 
he turned to look at her, running a calming hand over her head and back. 
"Don't fuss about her, we'll work something out, I swear."
 She leaned into his side then kissed his cheek. "I'm not going anywhere 
without you, Vincent, and you're not leaving. More than not giving her the 
satisfaction, I need you here. I want you here."

"I don't want to hurt you or be in any way responsible for someone else 
hurting you." Kissing the top of her head, he stroked her hair. "I do wish 
you'd let me go."
 "You are not going to hurt me, Vincent." She said it with all her strength 
of conviction as she looked into his eyes. *Beautiful eyes he has. I guess 
it's true what they say about Human eyes being the windows to their souls*. 
"And anybody else would have to get by you. I don't see that happening."

"My own personal body guard?" he said, laughing lightly. It felt very good, 
just being with her felt good. "You are my light, Jassa."
 Jassa smiled slightly and let her hand caress his cheek. "Sure, why not? 
You aren't going to have to worry about when I'm on duty. If the ensign's 
going to tell your lieutenant then Chief Ecitsuj will find out even if I 
don't tell him. He's not going to let anything happen while I'm on."

Leaning his head against hers, Vincent sighed. "I love you, Jassa Kost."
 "You know I love you, too, Vincent. Don't worry. This will all work out and 
I'll still be here with you," she said as she gently ran her hands over his 
hair. "That ensign didn't look to happy about any of this, Vincent. I have 
the feeling he believes you. Seems like he knows you."

"I met him once, I believe. When I met Revaed, in fact." Smiling as he 
pulled her close, he wrapped his arms around her and felt safe for the first 
time all day. He rubbed his cheek against her hair and he stroked his hands 
up and down her arms.
 Jassa nearly collapsed in his arms, feeling all the tension of the past few 
minutes leave her. There they were, still sitting on the floor, and she 
managed to end up sitting in his lap, her head on his shoulder. "You're a 
good man, Vincent." She kissed the corner of his jaw. "I'll talk to the 
ensign later and see what else is going on. I think he'll let me know one 
way or the other." She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. "We'll be 

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  • » [ussgeorgetown] "Accusations"