[Umpqua Birds] My house and yard birds......Re: Request for Info: Yard Birds

  • From: Mikeal Jones <franajones6@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "umpquabirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <umpquabirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 19:54:08 -0700

Hi Matt,

We have a small but richly planted yard (thank my wife Connie) of Maple, 
Rhododendron, Bamboo (House Sparrows love it), vegetables, and ornamentals of 
all heights and textures. We don't feed birds, but our neighbors do (millet, 
niger, sunflower seed, and corn on the ground for Eurasian Collared Doves-don't 
ask). Here is what we see in the yard in SE Roseburg, in decreasing order of 

Dark-eyed Juncos in the raised vegetable garden beds, in trees and shrubs 
especially in winter
Western Scrub Jays attacking neighbors' cats (yay!) and raising 2-3 broods, 
scratching ground,
House Sparrows roosting in untended lots, Butterfly Bush, Bamboo, thick cover,
Black-capped Chickadees working the branches of trees,
Eurasian Collared Doves for the last 5 years or so, increasing, cooing at dawn 
from February to         October, and screeching as they take flight or land, 
or just fly over
European Starlings perch on the highest trees and poles, on wires, or roost in 
thick cover
Lesser Goldfinch, perching and singing in trees around feeders next door,
Yellow-rumped Warblers in trees,
House Finches, especially singing near feeders next door,
Turkey Vultures February through October over SE Roseburg,
Vaux's Swifts overhead SE Roseburg April through October,
American Robins perched in nearby trees, singing at dawn year round,
Ruby-crowned Kinglet working the branches of trees and shrubs,

Less common (one or two a week) are:

Western Kingbird on power poles and transformers in Spring and Summer,
Song Sparrows year-round on the ground in the garden,
Hermit Thrush hiding in the shrubs most of the year,
Osprey squabbling overhead in Spring, above Southeast Roseburg and South Umpqua 
Northern Flicker in Rhododendrons and other shrubs,
Downy Woodpeckers on the same old Big Leaf Maple that draws other woodpeckers,

Very occasional birds include:

Red-breasted Sapsucker on an old Big Leaf Maple that attracts other woodpeckers,
Chestnut-backed Chickadee on yard shrubs and trees,
Cooper's Hawk, I hope picking off House Sparrows,
Western Wood PeeWee in a mature Red Maple tree,
Violet Green Swallows nested one year,
Golden Crown Sparrow on the ground,
Norther Harrier overhead SE Roseburg,
Sharpshinned Hawk preying on songbirds,

I'm sure there are birds I've missed, but eBird helped me remember when and how 
often these birds appeared. Mikeal

Mikeal Jones
Constance Frana
(541) 673-1859
826 SE Brockway
Roseburg OR 97470

Sent from our iPad 2

On Mar 10, 2014, at 1:23 PM, Matthew G Hunter <matthewghunter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Dear Umpqua Birders,
> I am working on a part of the Umpqua Birds website (www.umpquabirds.org) that 
> will give photos and quick info on the most common birds in backyards (or any 
> yards) of Douglas County. I would like your help. I would like some "real 
> life" data from your yard. Here is my request: Could you reply to this email 
> with a list of the most common birds you have in your yard, and which 
> feeder(s) they use, if at all? For example:
> Dark-eyed Junco--common at seed feeders
> White-throated Sparrow--average 1 per winter at seed feeder
> Lesser Goldfinsh--common at thistle feeder
> White-breasted Nuthatch--seed and suet feeders
> Anna's Hummingbird--hummingbird feeder
> Varied Thrush--on ground under seed feeder
> Red-tailed Hawk--flies around nearby
> Red-breasted Sapsucker--one on pine tree most winters
> Western Tanager--see every spring in trees in yard but not at feeders
> If you want to tell me more, such as "only in summer" or something like that, 
> feel free, but something like the above examples would be greatly 
> appreciated. If you have photos of your feeder/yard birds that you would like 
> to share, let me know. I will acknowledge all contributions of yard/feeder 
> lists and photos that I use to make the website.
> Feel free to reply to the whole list or just to me. I think most folks would 
> be interested to compare their yard "bird community" with others.
> For my purposes I would appreciate these within the next couple weeks if you 
> would like to contribute. Thanks!
> Matt Hunter
> Melrose, OR

Other related posts:

  • » [Umpqua Birds] My house and yard birds......Re: Request for Info: Yard Birds - Mikeal Jones