[uae] Re: AmigaInput

  • From: Richard Drummond <evilrich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: uae@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 04:15:42 -0400

Hi Pete

Nice to see you here. ;-)

On Wednesday 10 May 2006 03:34, Peter Gordon wrote:
> I'm using the latest OS4 beta on AmigaOne XE-G4. I have a "hornet"
> compatible gamepad in the onboard joystick port, which is set up and
> calibrated in AmigaInput.

I assume you're using the WIP2 OS4 build? If so, then this is due to the OS4.0 
version of SDL. The AmigaInput API is rather vague about reporting devices 
that are actually present (and causing faults when allowing you to use 
non-existent devices), so in recent versions of the OS4.0 version of SDL, 
I've been rather brutal in rejecting devices that don't look like a valid 
joystick. It's probably a little too strict.

I'll send you some test code to run to find out why it's rejecting your stick. 
However, I'm a little swamped with other things this week. If I haven't got 
back to you by the weekend, feel free to badger me about this. ;-)


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