[triadtechtalk] Re: More gmail

  • From: "Richard" <modelworker@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <triadtechtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 21:45:24 -0700

In comparison with other web mail systems, Richard, where have you found
GMail to be a "little clunky"? I use four different web mail systems, and I
feel GMail is head and shoulders above the others in features and speed. So
I am curious as to what you have been experiencing.


Specifically, it takes two actions just to delete a letter you don't want to keep. First, you have to (rather UNintuitively) click the drop-down box "More Actions," and select "Move to Trash." That will move the letter to the trash, but will not delete it. One then has to go to the trash folder and "delete forever." I find that pretty clunky.

Also, when replying to someone, you have to click "Edit Subject" just to make the subject visible. That's rather odd, as well.

Otherwise, I have no problems with it (thanx, Armando).


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