[TN-Butterflies] Sellers Farm SAA

  • From: Rconnorsphoto@xxxxxxx
  • To: tn-butterflies@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 20:21:04 EDT

Date: 10/19/2010 
Location: Sellers Farm State Archaeological Area, Wilson Co.  TN  
Number of Species: 17
Number of Individuals:  1226
Notes: morning visit to Sellers Farm, hazy sun, cloudy by 12 noon;  most 
field areas un-mowed with some plants still in flower; Sachems mostly  using 
small white aster (Aster pilosus), there was a lot of that and there were  
lots of Sachems... in a fifty acre area there were probably 5,000 (25  
skippers per large clump of asters, maybe 200 clumps of asters in 50  acres), 
but a 
rough estimate of the number I could see from the trails  was about 1,000. 

Richard Connors

Black Swallowtail    Papilio  polyxenes   Adult   1  male,  fresh-looking 
Checkered White   Pontia protodice     Adult   4       
Clouded Sulphur    Colias philodice    Adult   2        
Orange Sulphur   Colias eurytheme    Adult    25      
E.Tailed-Blue     Everes comyntas  Adult   30      
Gulf  Fritillary     Agraulis vanillae    Adult   8       
Variegated  Fritillary   Euptoieta claudia   Adult   10   
Pearl Crescent   Phyciodes tharos     Adult    50      
anglewing           Polygonia sp.      Adult   3   
Common Buckeye  Junonia coenia   Adult   35      
Goatweed Leafwing   Anaea  andria    Adult   2   fairly  fresh-looking
Gemmed Satyr      Cyllopsis gemma  Adult   1       
Carolina  Satyr    Hermeuptychia sosybius  Adult   6   
Com/White Checkered-Skipper    Pyrgus sp.  Adult   25      
Clouded Skipper     Lerema accius   Adult   15   all on Phlox or  basking 
Fiery Skipper     Hylephila  phyleus   Adult   10       
Sachem     Atalopedes campestris    Adult   999 +     

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