[TN-Bird] Re: Coopers Hawk at Feeders

  • From: Dthomp2669@xxxxxxx
  • To: birchh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, tn-bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 13:17:14 -0500 (EST)

In a message dated 1/22/2013 8:57:42 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
birchh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

.  Just then a beautiful Coopers Hawk jumped up on the bush  in front of my 
window.  Evidently she had missed her prey, but she was  checking in the 
bush for a potential meal

Actually, I love to see my beautiful Cooper's hawks come on my deck to feed 
 on birds at my feeders as they do reasonably often.   The parent hawks  
bring their young here often, then those "immys" come back very frequently on  
their own.  However, the last great "hawk thrill" I had was when  a  merlin 
(pigeon hawk) came down and took a bird twice its size up, up and  away!  
Red tails and red shoulders also hang around, but I have never seen  them 
"take" anything although too many squirrels are here to whom they  would  be 
highly welcome!!!!!!!!   Of course, I might change my  mind on that if the 
economy gets so bad that I need to make squirrel and  dumplings for myself.  
That's pretty darn good eating for any human,  especially when the squirrels 
have been living on MY bird seed all their  lives!!!  They are mighty plump 
and pretty, and my daddy taught me how to  skin and gut them when I was a 
young child.  We loved squirrel even though  we were able to afford other meat, 
 We lived "off the land" a lot because  we had 640 acres, and Daddy loved 
to hunt.  We also raised our own  chickens, pigs, rabbits and goats which are 
also wonderfully edible when  one has a mother who is a great creative 
cook!!!  Her opossum and sweet  potatoes were especially desired....totally 
delectable!!!  Yum, yum!   I still know how to cook them all if I could just 
some of them.   Unfortunately, we did not have deer in our part of central 
Florida.  I have  learned to cook that here in Tennessee and LOVE it.  Wish 
I had a great  source to get it now.  We also fished in the two lakes on or 
land and  loved the catches intensely, too.  Mommy's fish and hush puppies 
were  but to die for.  The hush puppies were flavored with fresh onions from 
our  own farm!  Totally delectsble!
Dee Thompson
Nashville, TN  (Charlotte Park area of West  Nashville near the  old 
Cleece's Ferry boat ramp)

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