[THIN] Re: MSI packaging

  • From: "Mark CALLEJA" <Mark.CALLEJA@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 22:18:32 +0800


We use Wise installer and from my experience it is easier to use than
installer shield.  Be aware that most packages leave a lot of crap in
the MSI post build.  Sometimes this has to be removed to ensure proper
functioning of the MSI.  Wise will allow you to "snapshot" the package
(which effectively records all the resultant changes), sometimes however
the application completes processes and changes post logon -  something
you would not normally capture in a recording.


Mark Calleja
Network Systems Coordinator
Network Systems
Dept Housing and Works
(08) 9222 4941

"There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
binary, and those who don't"

>>> JAG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 01/03/2006 22:11 pm >>>
Hello all,
Given Wilco van Bragt's article was made available recently, where he
stresses automating installations & configs of TS / citrix
Off all of the msi packagers out there, which is your recommended tool
of choice for packaging apps for citrix environments if you are trying
to script all application installs?
One feature that I haven't read much of any where in the available
marketing info/documentation, is the ability for the packagers to
monitor an install process.  With this, I am thinking along the lines of
combining the type of features that are in regmon & filemon into one UI,
so you can get a list of changes/change attempts made by the install
process and any threads/processes it initialises.
Thanks everyone,

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