[texbirds] Re: Yellow-bellied Flycatcher vs. yellow-bellied flycatcher

  • From: MBB22222@xxxxxxx
  • To: texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 23:21:00 -0400 (EDT)

Although  capitol letters in birds names (and other plant/animal  names) 
are definitely helping to see if one is writing about particular species  or 
colored, patterned etc bird; most common names  are not governed by  rules. 
BTW there are other animal groups were not using capitalized names is  
Lets face it, the common names can be quite useless as they change often  
and cannot be used to precisely describe a species in same cases to be  
unmistakable understood be everybody in the whole world. Only Latin names do.  
Scientific names of plants, animals, fungi, etc. follow internationally agreed 
 rules which are 
published as their respective “Codes of Nomenclature”. Each  scientific 
name is tied to a type specimen and thus its application can always  be traced.
The terms, taxonomy and nomenclature are often confused, but have quite  
distinct meanings. Taxonomy is the science of classifying, describing and  
characterizing different groups (taxa) of living organisms. Nomenclature, on 
the  other hand, is about giving names to those different entities or groups. 
Just my 2 cents.
Mark B Bartosik
Houston, Texas
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