[texbirds] Re: We need a "bird of interest" program

  • From: "Ed Hickl" <ehickl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 20:01:44 -0600

I'm with Fred.  I thought I understood e-Bird and rare bird reports but it
seems to have become broken or people don't really follow the process.
Isn't it interesting that a turkey vulture is a Texas Rare bird??? (see
Texas Rare Bird alert for Feb 23, 24 on e-Bird).  Arrivals and Departures
aren't better.  I don't really want for another program or more emails with
"mixed" information.  I don't Facebook just because.  I don't want to go
back to phone systems but wish Cornell or whoever sets up e-Bird revisits
the "rules" and adjust the software to put postings out the right category
of postings or enforce posting rules with warnings or even bans.  I'm all
for collecting data but not put everything in one 'pot' and let the user
sort it out.

Ed Hickl

Houston,  Tx

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