[texbirds] Validation of E-bird sightings (a request)

  • From: Berner Family <jcazberner@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2013 08:40:14 -0800 (PST)

Following up on Mel and Peter's post. Texas is a heavily ebirded state and 
there are dozens of unusual birds seen every day around the state. Reviewing is 
time-consuming volunteer job that requires diplomacy but sometimes annoys the 
recipient of inquiring emails. If an ebird observer finds a bird that hits the 
filter, ideally they would provide a brief description/justification of their 
identification in the box provided--especailly including why the bird is not a 
more common similar species--(or a link to a photo if they have one) that 
prevents the time-consuming step of having to email the person and then look 
for a reply--generally the closer the time between observation and writing of 
notes the more accurate the memory. 
Detailed notes/photos are less important for a bird that is continuing in the 
same location that others have reported recently and that has already been 
approved.  I realize putting in notes is a pain and can be a bit insulting to 
expert birders who may know the particular species better than the reviewer but 
it's the best way to improve standards of ebird. 
There are some regions of the state with no active ebird reviewer so please be 
patient waiting for review. Also, unfortunately about one percent of users have 
in the past insulted and even threatened reviewers which makes the job less 
rewarding. Several strong Texas birders refuse to be ebird reviewers. Having to 
send an email and review the reply triples the time per review for the reviewer 
instead of just reading the notes written in the box provided.
A second request--if you see a previously approved species that looks like an 
error, ideally email any reviewer and let them know so they can take another 
look. Nothing is permanent in ebird--reviewer & observer errors can be fixed.
Thanks for ebirding despite the frustrations of the review process!
The Berners
John, Cathy, Abby and Zach
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  • » [texbirds] Validation of E-bird sightings (a request) - Berner Family