[texbirds] Santa Ana NWR & Estero Llano Grande SP

  • From: MiriamEagl@xxxxxxx
  • To: texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 17:58:50 -0400 (EDT)

Hi, all!
Went target-chasing today and dipped on everything :-( but still had a  
glorious day out with sunny skies and mild temps!  Spent most of my time at  
Santa Ana looking for a reported Townsend's Warbler and saw gobs of Yellows  
instead, with a couple of Black-and-whites, a Nashville, a Mourning, and a  
couple of Red-eyed Vireos, which happened to be new for my Santa Ana list!   
A Pewee was cooperative for pictures, but that was the extent of the small  
flycatchers (aside from the Tyrannulet).  Both Willow and Pintail Lakes  
Trails were closed off further in, so I couldn't do the whole loop, but had 
nice  views of Harris' Hawks, and Anis were all over the place.  The frogs were 
 singing up a storm at the (drained) lakes--a recording is on my blog 
(below), so  maybe someone familiar with frog calls can ID the dominant ones!  
Pretty  mushrooms of several types were also all over.  The butterfly action 
was  pretty good, the highlight being a very fresh Texas Powdered Skipper 
along the  tour road! 
I made a brief stop at Estero Llano to try for the Rufous Hummingbird and  
got a Huck & John sighting instead :-) and added a few water birds to the  
day list.  Huck had seen a Yellow-throated Vireo out in the Tropical Zone  
the week before; we couldn't refind that, but had a pretty male Baltimore 
Oriole  instead!  Had to skip a planned stop at Frontera as it was unexpectedly 
closed and I had to get home...
Pictures and recordings are here:
Wound up with a modest 57 species for the morning.  Bird List:
  Black-bellied  Whistling-Duck          Dendrocygna  autumnalis
Blue-winged  Teal                       Anas discors
Plain  Chachalaca                       Ortalis vetula
Least  Grebe                            Tachybaptus dominicus
Pied-billed  Grebe                      Podilymbus podiceps
Snowy  Egret                            Egretta thula
Green  Heron                            Butorides virescens
Harris's  Hawk                          Parabuteo unicinctus
Red-shouldered  Hawk                    Buteo lineatus
Gray  Hawk                              Buteo plagiatus
Common  Gallinule                       Gallinula galeata
Killdeer                               Charadrius vociferus
White-winged  Dove                      Zenaida asiatica
Mourning  Dove                          Zenaida macroura
Inca  Dove                              Columbina inca
Common  Ground-Dove                     Columbina passerina
White-tipped  Dove                      Leptotila verreauxi
Groove-billed  Ani                      Crotophaga sulcirostris
Ruby-throated  Hummingbird              Archilochus colubris
Buff-bellied  Hummingbird               Amazilia yucatanensis
Golden-fronted  Woodpecker              Melanerpes aurifrons
Ladder-backed  Woodpecker               Picoides scalaris
Northern  Beardless-Tyrannulet         Camptostoma  imberbe
Eastern  Wood-Pewee                     Contopus virens
Brown-crested  Flycatcher               Myiarchus tyrannulus
Great  Kiskadee                         Pitangus sulphuratus
Couch's  Kingbird                       Tyrannus couchii
Scissor-tailed  Flycatcher              Tyrannus forficatus
Loggerhead  Shrike                      Lanius ludovicianus
White-eyed  Vireo                       Vireo griseus
Red-eyed  Vireo                         Vireo olivaceus
Green  Jay                              Cyanocorax yncas
Northern Rough-winged  Swallow         Stelgidopteryx  serripennis
Purple  Martin                          Progne subis
Barn  Swallow                           Hirundo rustica
Cave  Swallow                           Petrochelidon fulva
Black-crested  Titmouse                 Baeolophus atricristatus
Carolina  Wren                          Thryothorus ludovicianus
Bewick's  Wren                          Thryomanes bewickii
Blue-gray  Gnatcatcher                  Polioptila caerulea
Northern  Mockingbird                   Mimus polyglottos
Long-billed  Thrasher                   Toxostoma longirostre
Black-and-white  Warbler                Mniotilta varia
Nashville  Warbler                      Oreothlypis ruficapilla
Mourning  Warbler                       Geothlypis philadelphia
Yellow  Warbler                         Setophaga petechia
Olive  Sparrow                          Arremonops rufivirgatus
Northern  Cardinal                      Cardinalis cardinalis
Indigo  Bunting                         Passerina cyanea
Dickcissel                             Spiza americana
Red-winged  Blackbird                   Agelaius phoeniceus
Great-tailed  Grackle                   Quiscalus mexicanus
Hooded  Oriole                          Icterus cucullatus
Altamira  Oriole                        Icterus gularis
Baltimore  Oriole                       Icterus galbula
Lesser  Goldfinch                       Spinus psaltria
House  Sparrow                          Passer domesticus

Mary Beth  Stowe
McAllen, TX
_www.miriameaglemon.com_ (http://www.miriameaglemon.com/) 

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  • » [texbirds] Santa Ana NWR & Estero Llano Grande SP - MiriamEagl