[texbirds] Lake Casa Blanca SP

  • From: MiriamEagl@xxxxxxx
  • To: texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 18:50:00 -0500 (EST)

Hi, all!

Yes, the gull was seen, but no, not by me... :-(   (Second chance 
tomorrow...)  The nicest birds were actually what I saw on  the way there:  
from the 
Ranch Google sent me by way of the back roads  through Hebronville, and so I 
was treated to many nice Harris', White-tailed,  and Red-tailed Hawks, 
Caracaras, and even a Chihuahuan Raven closer to  Laredo.  Once at the park I 
just cruised around and checked all the buoys  and gulls in the lake; lots of 
Ringbills and a few Herring, but dipped on the  Slatyback.  Ran into Robin 
and Troy and a couple of other people I didn't  know, and they said the bird 
had been seen 20 minutes earlier by the Pavilion  (which was where I was 
about then)!  That would have put the sighting  around 2:30 or so, I think.  
They were looking for the Western Grebe, and  no one had heard anything about 
the longspurs.

The place had picnickers  and fisher-people galore, so birdlife was slim 
(it was also hot), but an  exercise walk on the new Mesquite Bend Trail bagged 
Chipping and Black-throated  Sparrows, and another trail closer to the 
campground had a Pyrrhuloxia in with  the Chippies.  A couple of Killdeer were 
mad at me in one of the day use  areas...

A couple of pics are here:


...or try this:


Bird List (the parakeets were at the Ranch before I  left...):

Green-winged  Teal                      Anas crecca
Neotropic  Cormorant                    Phalacrocorax brasilianus
American White  Pelican                 Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
Snowy  Egret                            Egretta thula
Black  Vulture                          Coragyps atratus
Turkey  Vulture                         Cathartes aura
Osprey                                 Pandion haliaetus
Harris's  Hawk                          Parabuteo unicinctus
White-tailed  Hawk                      Geranoaetus albicaudatus
Red-tailed  Hawk                        Buteo jamaicensis
American  Coot                          Fulica americana
Killdeer                               Charadrius vociferus
Least  Sandpiper                        Calidris minutilla
Ring-billed  Gull                       Larus delawarensis
Herring  Gull                           Larus argentatus
Rock  Pigeon                            Columba livia
Mourning  Dove                          Zenaida macroura
Common  Ground-Dove                     Columbina passerina
Golden-fronted  Woodpecker              Melanerpes aurifrons
Crested  Caracara                       Caracara cheriway
American  Kestrel                       Falco sparverius
Green  Parakeet                         Aratinga holochlora
Great  Kiskadee                         Pitangus sulphuratus
Loggerhead  Shrike                      Lanius ludovicianus
Chihuahuan  Raven                       Corvus cryptoleucus
House  Wren                             Troglodytes aedon
Ruby-crowned  Kinglet                   Regulus calendula
Curve-billed  Thrasher                  Toxostoma curvirostre
Northern  Mockingbird                   Mimus polyglottos
European  Starling                      Sturnus vulgaris
Yellow-rumped  Warbler                  Setophaga coronata
Chipping  Sparrow                       Spizella passerina
Black-throated  Sparrow                 Amphispiza bilineata
Northern  Cardinal                      Cardinalis cardinalis
Pyrrhuloxia                            Cardinalis sinuatus
Red-winged  Blackbird                   Agelaius phoeniceus
Western  Meadowlark                     Sturnella neglecta
Great-tailed  Grackle                   Quiscalus mexicanus
House  Sparrow                          Passer domesticus


Mary Beth Stowe
McAllen,  TX
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