[texbirds] Clifton City Park

  • From: Brush Freeman <brushfreeman@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <Texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2015 17:33:03 -0500

So big storms in Bosque Co. last night. Piddled along power lines before
sunrise and after the storm for miles for about 7 hours......I love wet
cedar breaks and knee high grasses just after a storm Seriously I really,
really do. Washes the blood off your arms and the cedar needles that go
down your shirt are so soft and pliable as to be almost a joy. ....Birds
were what one would expect, except for a singing Kentucky Warbler, an
overhead Osprey with Miss. Kites.
Drove back to Clifton...After doing some boot business, the lady told me
about Clifton City Park...I was really beat but decided to check it out
anyway...OMG what a park! Big and Gorgeous and a lifer park for me....and
it was just packed with migrants!....A small stream runs thru the park to
the Bosque River nearby and on its banks are loads of fruiting mulberries,
there were catbirds, catbirds and more catbirds, there were Summer and
Scarlet Tanagers, there were orioles, thrushes and grosbeaks, there were
freaking Pine Siskins for crying aloud.! The huge pecans were loaded with
warblers, vireos and some empids, YB Cuckoo, E. Wood-pewee, White-breasted
Nuthatch, E. Kingbird. Birds I figured I might miss this spring but now
didn't......Mourning Warbler, Canada Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, singing
Philadelphia Vireo etc. And there were also Catbirds in the
mulberries...Buntings too....I was afraid that the nesting Cooper's Hawks
might freak them out or the circling Miss. Kites.
My goodness what a special park this was today....And I did not get there
until 2PM...I rarely bird in the afternoons. And best of all I had the
entire place to myself for at least an hour, nary a tripod or birding vest
to be seen anywhere. Can't wait to get this into Ebird...Not sure how many
but it was a 13-15 warbler day counting what we had on survey. Clifton
City Park (Site PPWO-040) Catbirds.
And the better best of all is I just discovered I can open this damn motel
window so can listen to the Western Kingbirds, Lark and Grasshoppers
Sparrows in the field just behind the motel.
Brush Freeman
503-551-5150 Cell
120 N. Red Bud Trail. Elgin, Tx. 78621
Finca Alacranes., Utley,Texas

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  • » [texbirds] Clifton City Park - Brush Freeman