[sparkscoffee] Re: Prosecution Shows Video of Tsarnaev Dropping Nap Sack, Walking Away from Bombing Site

  • From: "" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "sblumen123@xxxxxxx" for DMARC)
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2015 08:46:47 -0400

The open minded, seeker of the truth in order to make informed decisions and
exposer of false lies propaganda trying to save
innocent lies.

Not only did the victorius Soviet Union troops entered concentraton camps and
take photos and filmed but also British and
American troops the same. As a matter of fact General Eisenhower said take
pictures and films so that some bastards later
on will claim this never happened. Why didn't you mention this? Those films and
others of the holocaust was recently shown
on our TV as an anversity rememberence. DID YOU SEE ANY OF THEM? YES - NO - NO
RESPONSE, which will you use?
If you do response what is your take on the matter?

Spielberg who produce the movie Shindlers List had so many requests from
survivors who wanted to tell their horror story that
he arranged for a camera crew to record them for ever before all these
survivors died natural deaths. Any take on this aspect?

The Soviet Union took many, many prioners, were they all kept that long like
Reheinhart Kuntz? Why was this case special?

When did you ever hear me say that Stalin was my hero? You shouldn't put lies
in other peoples mouths or you lose credibility.

Comrade B, the liar in your eyes

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: sparkscoffee <sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Fri, Apr 24, 2015 9:44 pm
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Prosecution Shows Video of Tsarnaev Dropping Nap
Sack, Walking Away from Bombing Site

Today, thanks to the Internet, the truth is easily accessible to anybody who
chooses to look for it. I seek the truth in order to make informed decisions.
The one and only reason I post information that I discover is to help other
people make informed decisions. The only reason why I expose what I believe to
be false lies propaganda is to try to save innocent lives. I you want to
believe in the bogey men that governments create, whether it be a Hitler or a
Putin or a Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or terrorists who want to kill us because they
envy our freedom then be my guest.

To answer Stan, I don't doubt that when the Russians liberated the Nazi labor
camps they found inmates dead or even murdered. That is what happens during war
when one side is losing and a prison camp is abandoned and/or they have run out
of food and medicine for their own people. Think of all the Union troops that
died of disease and starvation in Andersonville Prison Camp during the American
Civil War.

Your hero Stalin imprisoned and murdered far more people than the Nazis did.

July 14th, 2014

The Russian prison authorities surprised the international community this
morning, by announcing that they would finally set free on Friday, the last
German prisoner of war from the Second World War. 84-year old Reinhard Kunze,
was only 14 years old when he was captured by Soviet troops during the Battle
of Berlin, in January 1945, and was detained for the last 69 years in various
Soviet and Russian forced labor camps. The Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergueï
Lavrov, announced this morning that in an “act of good will”, the Moscow
government was ready to “put aside their national pride” and show their
“generosity and good will” by letting him go home.

This surprising news brings back painful memories to many Germans, has Mr
Kunze is only that last of a never-ending list of horrible stories linked to
the end of the Second World War. Approximately three million German prisoners
of war were captured by the Soviet Union during World War II, most of them
during the great advances of the Red Army in the last year of the war. The POWs
were employed as forced labor in the Soviet wartime economy and postwar


The Katyn massacre ( Polish: zbrodnia katyńska, mord katyński, "Katyń
crime"; Russian: Катынский расстрел Katynskij ra'sstrel, "Katyn
shooting") was a series of mass executions of Polish nationals carried out
by the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs ( NKVD), the Soviet
secret police, in April and May 1940. Originally the term "Katyn massacre",
also known as the Katyn Forest massacre, referred to the massacre at Katyn
Forest, which was discovered first and was the largest execution of this type.

War crimes perpetrated by the Soviet Union and its armed forces from 1919 to
1991 include acts committed by the Red Army (later called the Soviet Army) as
well as the NKVD, including the NKVD's Internal Troops. In some cases, these
crimes may have been committed on express orders of Joseph Stalin and the early
Soviet government's policy of Red Terror. In other instances, they were
committed without orders by regular army troops as retribution against
civilians or military personnel of countries that had been in armed conflict
with the USSR or during partisan warfare.[2]

Many of these incidents occurred in Northern and Eastern Europe before and
during World War II, and involved summary executions and mass murder of
prisoners of war (such as the Katyn massacre) and mistreatment of civilians in
Soviet-occupied territories. Although there are numerous documented cases of
such incidents, very few members of the Soviet armed forces and leaders such as
Vassili Kononov, Lavrentiy Beria have ever been charged with war crimes and
none of them by the International Criminal Court or Soviet or Russian
tribunal.[citation needed] For example, when the victors of World War II
founded the International Military Tribunal there were no Soviet defendants, a
clear case of victor's justice.[3]


-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Apr 24, 2015 4:34 PM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Prosecution Shows Video of Tsarnaev Dropping Nap
Sack, Walking Away from Bombing Site

The NAZI's were pure evil, except for those who wish to rewrite history. Pope
Pius XII was a Jew Hater even though he gave orders that all the religious
priests, monks, and nuns assist in offering assistance and relocation to Jews
and he was honored by Israel after the war was over for the brotherly
assistance that he provided. The Church could not always help her own, for
example Edith Stein, a Carmelite nun had applied with the assistance of the
Vatican for documents, visa, etc. to travel from her convent in Echt,
Netherlands, but sadly the documents arrived after her death in Auchwitcz two
weeks before the Allied liberation of the camp.



On Apr 24, 2015 6:13 PM, "Redacted sender sblumen123@xxxxxxx for DMARC" <
dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


A picture is worth a thousand words so how many words is a video worth?
Recently there was a bunch of

videos on what our soldiers and Russians found when they entered the death
camps and the germains were

made to carry the skeletons to mass burials. None are so blind as those who
will not look. Good luck on your

eye treatment.


-----Original Message-----
From: D.J.J. Ring, Jr. < n1ea@xxxxxxxx>
To: sparkscoffee < sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Fri, Apr 24, 2015 3:02 pm
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Prosecution Shows Video of Tsarnaev Dropping Nap
Sack, Walking Away from Bombing Site


In my last reply, i told you I could not see well so I increased the font size
in my reply. Even so, in your current reply, you continue with your untruth:
"You came out screaming with big letters".

I know the truth about this first hand, I have an opthalmologist who is going
to perform a procedure on my sight after my consultation with and examination
by him, but still the untruth gets spoken by you: I am yelling at you with my
font size. I was not and this android hand-held book reader is not html fancy
text so the font size is not adjustable.

Why should I waste any effort with you? You will not take hard evidence
concerning facts from eye witnesses, the Boston Marathon bombing was a fake,
those injured were actors faking injury, no Jews were mass murdered at Nazi
camps they were collected there to work in those camps, sure some died, but
they died because of British and American terror bombings. Terror bombings?
Get real.

Next you will say the Japanese never attacked Pearl Harbor even though I know
people who was there and who luckily survived.

I can see how you believe all the falsities you do, no first hand evidence is
allowed, material evidence like Martin Richard's little corpse and his sisters'
amputated legs were just actor's props flown in by the FBI to fool people.

RR I do not have a word to describe your undesirable state of belief other than
I believe on a Smith Chart it is all the way to the rightward margin showing
maximum resistance and maximum reactance.



On Apr 24, 2015 4:24 PM, "Ron Ristad" < ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Having any discussion with you is like being in a contest with your team
against me. It doesn't matter what the subject is. Maybe I am just very naive
and the truth is that life is a continuous war and we need to choose sides, but
that has not been my personal experience. I believe in truth and honesty. If
governments need propaganda to get people go out and kill people and get
themselves killed I have no problem with that. If people are stupid enough to
fall for it then maybe it's best they be removed from the gene pool. I just
don't want to be one of them.

You came out screaming in big letters that government prosecutors showed
jurors a YouTube video that shows the brothers leaving knapsacks where the
bombs exploded and all I said was that I bet they didn't show the jurors any of
the many YouTube videos that show the bombing was faked and professional actors
were employed make the damage appear greater than it really was.

The fact is that neither you nor I will never really know the full story. Most
of the "conspiracy theories" about the Boston bombing criticize the government
handling of it, especially the way they used it to spread fear of bogey man
terrorists as a means to take away freedoms from law abiding Americans.
Especially since it has come to light that many (perhaps all) terrorist attacks
in the U.S. have been FBI sting operations.

As for the holocaust, during the Nuremberg trials the prosecutors offered no
hard evidence whatsoever. None. The only "proof" of the Holocaust comes from
anecdotal accounts from a few Jewish labor camp survivors and the "confession"
of Rudolf Hoess, the first of 3 commandants of the Auschwitz labor camp.

It didn't come out until 1983 that Rudolf Hoess was tortured continuously for
3 days and nights before he signed the 8 page confession admitting to murdering
3 million Jews in gas chambers at Auschwitz.

It wasn't until 1989 when the Russians released the records they seized when
they liberated Auschwitz and it was discovered that only 1.5 million people
died there, and less than half of them were Jews. As I have already posted,
this required that they change the plague on the Auschwitz monument to reflect
the actual number of people who died there. That in itself is hard evidence
that at least part of the Holocaust story was fabricated, even if only greatly

The International Red Cross made hundreds of inspections of Auschwitz during
the war and never mentioned anything about any executions, but the reports did
say there were a large number of deaths due to allied terror bombings.

All of this information if freely available if you look for it, and is
undisputed as far as I know.

It sounds feasible that at the end of the war when the Nazi's were retreating
from the Russians and were forced to abandon the labor camps that they could
have executed inmates. Stalin did the same thing at prisoner of war camps when
the Nazis invaded Russia. That's what happens in a war. People get killed, most
of whom are innocent.

I understand that the Holocaust has become like a religion to Jews and that
it's unwise to criticize anybody's religion. The problem is that it has been
used over and over again to invoke sympathy and as an excuse to commit horrible
crimes against the Palestinians and now the Iranians.


-----Original Message-----

From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Apr 24, 2015 12:36 PM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Prosecution Shows Video of Tsarnaev Dropping Nap
Sack, Walking Away from Bombing Site

I cannot see the small letters, so I make them big enough to see.

There's lots of youtube videos saying Nazi's did not murder Jews, millions of
them too.

I believe the eye witnesses who saw healthy men and women being taken away from
the camp's barracks and never be seen again.

You tell the Richard family that lost their 8 year old Martin, or the other
children who have no legs now that the bombing was a fake.

You will believe it was fake because you want to believe it even though there
is tons of evidence there was a bombing.

After all, even Dzhokhar has admitted that he bombed the Boston Marathon finish

Remember, you're the guy that doesn't want to believe Jesus never said he was
God. I showed you he said "I am who am" which was the name God revealed as his
name to Moses at the burning bush, the same name. Even Jews admit he said he
was God. That is not in despute by Christians or Jews. Only RR and the Latter
Day Saints differ with it, but the LDS removed those sections from their bible.

Hey there are people who will tell you the King James (KJV) Bible has never
been revised as it never had been an error it it, they tell you the Apocropha
(books in the Greek Old Testiment from Alexandria, Egypt) were never published
in the KJV but in fact they were published in the first edition of KJV.

You will find more revisions in the KJV than any other translation of the
bible. It's been revised to correct poor translations from Greek and Hebrew
and printing and scrivener's errors. The original translators did not know the
Green of the Texus Receptus was Koine (vernacular) Greek not Classical
(literary) Greek, so many words were mistranslated.



On Apr 24, 2015 11:55 AM, "Ron Ristad" < ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx>


What's with big letters?

There are many videos on YouTube which show the bombing was a fake. I wonder
if the jury was allowed to see those?


-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Apr 23, 2015 8:25 PM
To: " sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Subject: [sparkscoffee] Prosecution Shows Video of Tsarnaev Dropping Nap Sack,
Walking Away from Bombing Site

Kind of difficult to keep the conspiracy nuts away, but
video does help.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - who admits he placed bombs at Boston
Marathon finish line gets shown a video today showing him dropping the knapsack
only feet away from youngest victim, Martin Richard.

Video shows #Tsarnaev
walking right past Woolfenden, and his 3 year old son, just before
the explosion.

In the video, we see #Tsarnaev
walking away, just before the first bomb goes off.

Now they pause the video just as the second explosion goes off. Woolfenden and
Leo are in the middle of it, in cloud of smoke. #Tsarnaev




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