[smee] I'm back...

  • From: vputz@xxxxxxx (Victor B. Putz)
  • To: smee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 16:47:07 -0700

...and maybe just in time to leave again.

After my first replacement motherboard turned out to be a dud
(installing the CPU cracked the ZIF socket in a major way), the
replacement is working like a charm.  So I'm back to being able to play

...and with luck, will be missing sessions again soon as we transition
to COS.  I don't want to jinx us, so I'll caveat this with my usual
"I'll believe it when I'm in front of a class and no sooner" but things
are sounding a bit better from AFPC.  We'll see.

I hear Bear may miss this Sunday, but Flue and Rhys will hopefully be
available; anyone who has ideas or quests they'd like to do would be
well to venture them, or I'll try and railroad us into hitting the
dragonslayers in Western Wastes or the Gnoll War... or worse, camping
that bedamned drolvarg warlord again...


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