[rollei_list] Re: SL 2000 again

  • From: CarlosMFreaza <cmfreaza@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2015 20:38:15 -0300

I corrected it in a previous post

2015-12-19 20:07 GMT-03:00 David Sadowski <dsadowski@xxxxxxxxx>:

2/1000 = 1/500
On Dec 19, 2015 1:33 PM, "CarlosMFreaza" <cmfreaza@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The lady's father camera was a special camera for test and
demonstration made in 1986 (about 120 units). I don't think it was made as
a 3003 prototype because the 3003 was manufactured from 1984 with the
2/1000 shutter speed.. This camera has some red parts like the shutter
release button as distinctive regarding the regular 2000F Motor,


2015-12-19 15:38 GMT-03:00 CarlosMFreaza <cmfreaza@xxxxxxxxx>:

The same lady contacted me through my blog about the
Rolleiflex SL 35 System; I did not answer her yet. The Rollei Electronic
shutter for the E and 2000 and 3001 and 3003 cameras was prepared to give
16sec to 2/1000sec from the beginning (all them use the same shutter),
however the 2/1000sec shutter speed was used for the 3003 and 3001 cameras
only. BTW, 2/1000 shutter speed was a series feature for the 3003 and 3001


2015-12-19 13:09 GMT-03:00 F.W. Stutterheim <

Hello everyone,

Today I was contacted by a lady who owns her father's 'SL 2000F motor'
camera. Special is that it has a max shutter speed of 1/2000 sec instead of
1/1000 sec. It is also made for 72 exposures. It has the extended switch on
the magazine.

She wrote that her father was a Rolleiflex dealer and that this camera
is a prototype for the 3003 and that 50 cameras were made.

I believe that all 3003/3001 cameras still have the 1/1000 sec shutter,
so this new shutter was not introduced in the series cameras.

Does anyone know about this 1/2000 sec shutter?

Best regards,
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