[rollei_list] Be Well and Happy Christmas!

  • From: Marc James Small <marcsmall@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 12:25:11 -0500

Folks, I'll be out of the loop for the next week, and will not be readily available for the week after that. I'll be on the road, visiting my step-daughter and her Hearty Swab of a husband (he's a CPO in the Coast Guard) in Memphis, Tennessee. Then I'll be returning to Chester, Virginia, to host my son and grandson while we inter my father's ashes at Arlington (don't panic, lads: he died in 2000 and I've simply delayed things until my son could be present). I'll be on Digest during the interim, just so I can check on who has been naughty or nice during my absence, but I hope that I can just dump these unread upon my return as everything has been perfect while I am away. (I have always read all Rollei List traffic save for my times away from home.)

So, have a grand holiday time, folks. I will be available for private messages, of course, and I will try to find a mechanism for checking my e-mail while I'm on the road but I can make no promises of accomplishing this. Like fine wines, I do not travel well!


Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

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