[rollei_list] Re: Back to Photoshop

  • From: Don Williams <dwilli10@xxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2010 21:34:14 -0600

At 07:27 PM 2/28/2010, Eric wrote:

Just to mention that there is an impressive array of free on-line support and tutorials for just about all versions of Photoshop...

If you have a copy but don't use it, there are lots of resources to get started...

Eric Goldstein

I just picked up the book I had on hold, "Photoshop Elements 7 - The missing manual" and in a few minutes learned things about the program suite I had never been able to understand from the help files.

It is 573 pages and includes a history of Photoshop Elements and before and after illustrations. Just the kind of book I used to enjoy when manuals came with software. It also includes a link to a site to pick up a layered sample to work with.

Now for the controversial part-

There is a paragraph in the book the folks in this group may want to argue about, (or just discuss).

"It's almost certain that any published photo has been through Photoshop or Elements at least once."

Adobe's Photoshop is the granddaddy of all image-editing programs. It's the Big Cheese, the industry standard against which everything else is measured. Every photo you've seen in a book or magazine in the past 15 years or so has almost certainly passed through Photoshop on its way to being printed. You just can't buy anything that gives you more control over your pictures than Photoshop does.

The book also points out that every version of Elements is an entirely different program.


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