[rodgersorganusers] A Thought About 'Pleasing Folks'

  • From: "Charlie Strack" <charlie_strack@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <rodgersorgan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 09:50:03 -0800

In the religious setting, music can help bring people to God. But it =
cannot do this if the particular piece of music closes the listeners' ears =
so they don't hear the message. As an analogy, it doesn't matter how good =
or moving the sermon is if it is spoken in a language the congregation =
doesn't comprehend. =20

So using music that pleases the listeners is, in part, essential to =
pleasing God. The two are inextricably intertwined.

The pastor, organist, choir director, and choir are all serving in a =
leadership role at times. Leadership is a grave responsibility and to lead =
effectively requires the leader evaluate the followers and only ask of =
them that which they can accomplish. Doing otherwise is not leadership, it =
is arrogance. If the organist chooses music without any consideration of =
how the congregation will feel about it, then he is not being a leader, =
and I doubt it pleases God.



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