[racktables-users] Re: Trying to understand how users work

  • From: Alexey Andriyanov <alan@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2012 17:36:57 +0400

Try to consider the permissions script as firewall rules.

The current context (a packet in firewall terms) is sequentially compared to each rule (line in permissions script). If it matches, the action specified in rule takes place (allow or deny) and the process stops.

The current context is a set of tags originated from the currently logged-in user, an entity being viewed, and navigation data (current page and tab name).

So the rules like

allow {$userid_1}
allow {$username_jack}

unconditionally allow any context containing tags {$userid_1} or {$username_jack}, which makes them the power-users.

But the rule

Allow {$username_user} and {$tab_default}

allows anything to user named 'user' when he is on 'default' tab. The default tab never contains controls to modify the DB, so the user has read-only permissions if there is no other allowing rules below.

09.08.2012 16:32, James Geiger пишет:
I have been reading through the posts about user IDs and permissions
and don't quite understand how they work.

To add a user I understand.  I go to  Main page : Configuration :
Local users and I enter the name and the password.

What I am unsure of is the whole permissions part of the tool.  How
does it work?

On the Permissions section of the wiki:

It has a simple example of adding a power user:

Admin and power user

allow {$userid_1}
allow {$username_jack}

How does that mean jack is a power user?  What makes the difference or
what is a power user?

I have seen other examples from posts about adding read only users:

Allow {$username_user} and {$tab_default}

How does that mean the user is a read only?

Does each line signify a new user permission?

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