[racktables-users] Re: Problem updating from 0.19.7 to 0.19.13

  • From: Denis Ovsienko <infrastation@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2012 17:22:30 +0400

> It looks like a similar issue was discussed a few months ago, but I never saw 
> a final description of how to fix this problem.  So, how do I clean up from 
> this?


You are right, this is a rare periodic bug, in many regards authored by myself. 
It is typically hit by about 1 user in 1000 and it cannot be addressed by the 
upgrade script, because the solution depends on the data. I typically ask to 
send me a private email with the output of this query:

SELECT AV.object_id, AV.attr_id, RO.objtype_id FROM
AttributeValue AS AV INNER JOIN RackObject AS RO ON AV.object_id = RO.id
LEFT JOIN AttributeMap AS AM ON AV.attr_id = AM.attr_id AND RO.objtype_id = 

 Denis Ovsienko

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