[racktables-users] Re: Searching for objects by common name

  • From: Gjermund Jensvoll <gjerjens@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 16:42:44 +0200

On 19.07.12 15:00, Frank Altpeter wrote:

on 2012-07-19 at 14:30:52 CEST, Gjermund Jensvoll wrote:
Hi all,

I have a little problem when searching for objects.

Say I have these three servers:

All of these have the whole name in "Common name". If I search for "www",
then normally the search result shows all three servers.
However, if just one of these servers have the same name specified in the
FQDN field, then searching for "www" takes me directly to that one server.
The other two are completely left out of the search result.

Is there any way to change this behavior without too much coding effort?
So if one of them has FQDN "www" then the others are ignored. This is new
to me, but does make sense IMHO.

FQDN means "FULLY qualified domain name" which means that this field
should not contain just "www". And an FQDN is usually uniqe, so typing in
an FQDN in the search box should indeed directly go to that named object.

IMHO of course :)

Nevertheless, if this is not fully accepted, then there should be a
config option to toggle this behaviour.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

        Frank Altpeter

Erm. I meant that the FQDN field on one of the objects has the SAME value as "common name". The common names already fully qualified domain names.

Here's a different example.
I have a four (almost) identical servers. One is in production and the other three are in testing or development enviroments. The common names for these are:

If the object "server-04.prod.domain.com" has a FQDN field saying "server-04.prod.domain.com" (or even "server-04.domain.com") while the other three have nothing (blank), then searching for "server-04" takes you directly to server-04.prod.domain.com and ignores the fact that there are three other servers with a common name beginning with "server-04".

Hope this made it more clear. :)

Best regards,

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