[python] Re: Re Re: trail vs wheelsize

  • From: Olaf Johansson <olaf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: python@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 18:18:10 +0200

On 10 okt 2006, at 15.33, Henk van Eerden wrote:

Dear Olaf, Jurgen, Martin (etc. in random order),

first let me explain that it never was my intention to decrease the value of the python-design in favor off the Flevo. I like both designs. As earlier told i like to combine the positive aspects from different designs (f.i.using a diabolo rubber on the python; it helps a lot in keeping a straight line when riding and increases the self-centering aspect).

I can only speak for myself but I have not taken your posting as an assault on the python. Au contraire - since my interest lies in centre steered bikes all flavours are interesting. Centre steered recumbents are a niche within a niche so to speak. There are few riders, few bike models and few experiences compared to other branches of the recumbent scene. This list together with the Flevo list are the only two places that I know of which exclusively deal with centre steered recumbents. We need all the input and all the enthusiasm we can get in order to develop this unique type of bike that can be so rewarding to ride.

Now, for the "FleThon", as you called it, i mentioned this model as an example of a different Flevotype, maybe an evoluated one. I also give my thanks to Jan Brandse, he is the originale designer off this model!
And, yes i would love to give some comment about riding the Flevo, Python and the FleThon, but in riding the last one i just do yet have way to little experience (the bike is just finished), i just need more excercise and feel-good-and-save-riding moments.

I will wait anxiously.


As also earlier mentioned it switching form one bike to another takes a certain amount of time before you feel comfortable again on that bike.

So, be patience and soon i will give my view in riding experience caused by a positive respectively a negative trail on a low centre steered bike!

I just hope the wheather will improve a lot, it is just raining pigs and sheeps (.those are my patts, instead off the usual, conventional cats and dogs).

Greetings and regards,



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