[pure-silver] Re: prepackaging my developer

  • From: Jean-David Beyer <jeandavid8@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pure-silver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 09 Nov 2009 12:29:13 -0500

Dennis Purdy wrote:
I have an ongoing project which I am using a specific film developer for. It is Ansco 47 which must be mixed from scratch and uses all the usual suspects for chemicals. I am getting tired of mixing it up everytime I want to use it so I am thinking of prepackaging it in zip lock bags. I am wondering if there is some reason I should keep any of the chemicals separate within the mix, like the metol or

You generally should dissolve the ingredients in the order listed in the formula. In particular, though, I seem to recall that the Metol does not dissolve well in sulfite solutions, so that is usually dissolved first.

Hydroquinone or sodium carbonate. I know that D76 comes in a single bag and it uses most the same stuff.

I do not know how Kodak manage this. Maybe the sulfite is packaged like some time-release medications.

My mix calls for Metol, Hydroquinone, Sodium Sulfite, Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Bisulfate and potassium Bromide. If I just weigh it out and put it in batches in zip lock bags will there be any internal oxidizing or other bad reactions over time?

What I do for paper developer is mix something like D-72 stock solution in 4 litre bottles. I then mix one part of that with 2 parts of water to get working solution. I put the date I mixed it on the bottle and use it unless it gets too old. If you do not use a gallon of the stuff every few months, maybe you exaggerate the difficulty of making a new batch every so often.

I would worry about ZipLock bags being too porous for developing agents, so they might oxidize too quickly, depending on how fast you used them. I would also wonder if you could mix the dry chemicals adequately before you packaged them. Perhaps you could.

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