
  • From: wesmedlin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: pure-silver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 09:29:36 -0800


Thanks for the tip on the Film Club. I'll check them out.

As to processing time on digital, believe me, I'm aware of it. I spent years at 
the photo lab doing digital restorations for the customers, 40 hours a week, 
and some weeks I really only worked on a few images. If they need a lot of 
work, they take a lot of time. But have you ever tried taking the mother in law 
out of the wedding photo in the darkroom? Do it, and make it look good, and 
tell me that doesn't take time.

Even the simple images do usually take some tweaking, but I'm pretty good at it 
and it really doesn't take me that long. Besides, I really don't do that high a 
volume. I just want to be able to print the really good shots. The bad ones 
aren't worthwhile in either medium.

And with digital I can break the time up. I can scan an image in, and come back 
and work on it for 10 minutes a day unitl I'm happy with it. I can scan in 
several, and then work on them at my leisure. It's just easier to work in time 
in small blocks for me than to set aside hours at a time for the darkroom.

Thanks for the response,


Speedy wrote:


>You mentioned the time in the darkroom factor.  I'm afraid that you might be
>underestimating the amount of time spent on digital images in "Post
>Production."  Every image it seems needs to be "tweaked."  I have friends
>who have gone whole hog digital, some of them high volume professionals.
>They have all commented on the imense increase in time on their part in
>getting images ready for print/viewing...   I know three photographers who
>have had to add two or more people to their studio staff just for working on
>the images...  All of this used to be done when they handed off their film
>to their lab.

>I have that source for the microfilm you were looking for.  I've used them
>for a good bit of my film needs for several years now.  Try these people
>{WWW.TheFilmClub.com.}  If you don't see what you need email them.  They have
>probably got it or else they will get it.  I emailed them earlier this week as
>I was needing to purchase K_dak HIE.  The responded back to me that they did
>indeed have the HIE I was seeking and in the same email mentioned the
>microfilm.  I don't shoot that stuff so the name excapes me.  Give them a
>try and let us know if you get what you need there.

>Good Light!

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