[pure-silver] Re: TMX AND RODINAL?

  • From: Dennis Purdy <dlp4777@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pure-silver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 08:07:18 -0800

You are probably doubting my credibility Ralph and I would say that anyone making any claim is possibly spouting off for the pleasure of it or creating their own personal mythology. My situation is that I have been doing custom lab work for 25 years now and I still process film all the time though now I try to keep it to film day which is Monday. Because I am constantly doing it I can easily run various tests and throw them in with my work flow. I do this partly out of boredom but mostly out of a desire to know things, or sometimes just a desire to shoot some film around the house where my lab is.

What usually happens with my test film is that it sits by the light table and the densitometer un cut or partly cut until I get tired of looking at it and tired of the mess and I throw it out. Some stuff I keep if it is especially interesting to me, like comparisons between lenses and cameras or paper types with developers.

I actually printed the test I referred to with the Tmax 100 in various developers and those prints lay on my print rack for months until in a frustrated moment of cleaning the chaotic lab up I must have thrown them out as well because I just looked in several boxes and they aren't there.

I can describe the scene I shot with that if that helps. I shot sunlight coming through the window onto a vase full of water with very dark cut bamboo in it. I was studying the detail in the bamboo and the surrounding dark room as well as the highlight detail where the sun hit the bamboo and where the sun hit the glass vase. And I not only shot the test with my Rolleiflex 2.8FX, but I shot it as well with my Pentax 67. I am a testing idiot.

But after looking just now I can't find that film or prints. You want me to do the test again? You want me to go around with a digital camera and show the piles of stuff I have to sort through?
Dennis Purdy
On Dec 15, 2009, at 07:39, Ralph W. Lambrecht wrote:


I would be interested to see this side-by-side comparison. Are those prints still available?


Ralph W. Lambrecht

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