[pure-silver] Re: Efke R100 Chapter 2: PMK

  • From: Jean-David Beyer <jeandavid8@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pure-silver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 19 May 2011 11:03:25 -0400

Tim Daneliuk wrote:
> On 5/19/2011 9:35 AM, Jean-David Beyer wrote:

>> Now I use Jobo plastic reels that I find more difficult to load, though
>> I can do it. Because I develop all except 8x10" Kodalith film in a Jobo
>> tank, even my 4x5 stuff.
> I open tank process everything - even film on reels.  I do have an
> old plastic reel I could try since the film probably tends to
> move less against plastic.  The problem is that PMK is a very fast oxidizing
> developer and you have to move new developer across the film
> or you get streaking.  I'm concerned that the plastic reel would
> note provide enough flow around the edges of the film to make sure
> there was sufficient transfer of new developer at the edges of the film.
I wonder if the reels matter; I rather suspect they do. Jobo made two
series of reels. One series, whose number I do not know, were of smaller
diameter, so the film layers were rather close together. The series I
have are callee Duo Set 2502 and will take three sizes of film, 35mm, 2
rolls of 120 or one roll of 22o, and something in between (about 1 7/8
inches). The outer diameter of these reels is about 5 inches, so the
film is well spaced (layers are about 1/8 inch apart). They fit the 2500
series tanks. I have no idea if they are still available. I believe the
4x5 size reel is called 2509N.

  .~.  Jean-David Beyer          Registered Linux User 85642.
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