[pskmail] Re: Clean installer version running.

  • From: Pär Crusefalk <per@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pskmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 21:18:19 +0200

2011-04-19 21:12, Franco Spinelli skrev:
Il 19/04/2011 06:05, Pär Crusefalk ha scritto:
mån 2011-04-18 klockan 21:55 +0200 skrev Franco Spinelli:

Its one file per window so thats a bit complicated. But, you can have a
look at the source tree and get the file. The source is available here:
There are several files ending like _it_IT.properties and those are the
files you want. Actually its easier to do this in netbeans, there its
easy to set the IDE to display the form in italian and just right click
on what needs editing.

Excuse my poor netbeans knowledge.

I have downloaded jpskmail using SVN, installed netbeans and opened
jpskmail project.

How can now set the IDE to display the form in italian?

If you prefer we can continue on skype or other form, also direct email


Franco Spinelli

Hi Franco,

Great, good work!
Sure, I can start skype on my phone and be available pretty much all day, call when its convenient for you.

I did post a somewhat brief explanation a few days ago, subject was Mail refresh. But, I can walk you through it all tomorrow. Also, you will require a login to be able to submit your changes and I can give you that then as well.

73 de Per

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