[pskmail] Clean installer version running.

  • From: G6CKR <radio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pskmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 16:08:18 +0100

Removed Jpskmail folder and configuration.xml from .pskmail so not quite
a full clean but should be as good as.

2 points .
Since the offset minute is deprecated it needs hiding from the Preferences.

Also can the 30 minute beacon timings be corrected from the current 20
minute 40 minute 20 minute 40 minute etc. which I grant is an average of
30 minutes but not 30 minutes.
I suggest the 15-20 and 45-50 minute blocks which gives a full beacon
free 30 minutes round the bottom of the hour. Except for the 10 minute
beacons of course.

73 Roger G6CKR

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