[project1dev] Re: Project1 - SVN Update 544

  • From: eric drewes <figarus@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: project1dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2010 13:35:38 -0500

well - i don't know the code side of it but here is how i imagine it would

there would be an invisible music object that you'd place into the game and
then attach a song to, then there would be check boxes for the music object
to either be ambient (same volume anywhere in the map) or sourced (the music
comes from the invisible object and would thus fade as the player moved away
from the object).  also we would need a way to designate if a given song
continues through multiple maps (like maybe a check box that says, continue
until a new song plays or another event ends it) i am not sure about the

On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 12:00 PM, Alan Wolfe <alan.wolfe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> would you hear the music you set for the map you are editing?
> On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 6:18 AM, eric drewes <figarus@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> request
>> add sound/music support in map editor! :)
>> On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 2:29 AM, Kent Petersen <kentkmp@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Yay sfx!
>>> On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Apache User <
>>> dhapache@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> User:atrix256
>>>> Message: Sound effect support is in!
>>>> Some new script commands
>>>> Sound_Load - load a sound so that it's ready to be played (should be
>>>> done on map initialization, like when models are loaded). Lets you specify
>>>> if the sound is looping and if it should be played in 3d or not.
>>>> Sound_Play - plays a sound loaded with Sound_Load.
>>>> Sound_SetMinDist - on a 3d sound, this is the distance away from the
>>>> sound that it starts getting quieter.
>>>> Sound_SetPosition - sets the 3d position of a 3d sound.
>>>> Sound_SetVolume - lets you set the volume of a sound before you play it.
>>>> For an example of how to use this stuff, if you go to the light curves
>>>> land map (the wooden curvy looking place), it plays a looping 2d sound of a
>>>> woman making ghost noises, and it plays a 3d sound of a man laughing
>>>> demonically.  The position of the 3d sound is right where you land when you
>>>> enter the map.
>>>> Also, now when you talk to the old man, when he transforms you from a
>>>> puff ball into a person it plays a short 2d sound effect.
>>>> Just to note: The ear in the game is the player, not the camera :P
>>>> Questions, feedback, etc let me know!
>>>> <Files Changed>
>>>> U   ARRelease.exe
>>>> U   AR_Camera.cpp
>>>> U   AR_Camera.h
>>>> U   AR_LuaFuncs.cpp
>>>> A   Audio/Sfx/
>>>> A   Audio/Sfx/ghost.wav
>>>> A   Audio/Sfx/spookylaugh.wav
>>>> A   Audio/Sfx/zip.mp3
>>>> A   Docs/Script Help/Sound_Load.html
>>>> A   Docs/Script Help/Sound_Play.html
>>>> A   Docs/Script Help/Sound_SetMinDist.html
>>>> A   Docs/Script Help/Sound_SetPosition.html
>>>> A   Docs/Script Help/Sound_SetVolume.html
>>>> U   Docs/Script Help/toc.html
>>>> U   Scripts/Maps/TheVoid/TheVoid/voidmap.lua
>>>> U   Scripts/Personal/Alan/LightCurvesLand.lua
>>>> U   SoundManager.cpp
>>>> U   SoundManager.h

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