[project1dev] Re: [Design] Player leveling?

  • From: Nick Klotz <roracsenshi@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: project1dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 22:24:16 -0400

It really depends on how large the scope of gameplay you want, and
replayability.  Are the side scroller and 1st person going to be
affected by skills/xp/lvl, do you want the game to take a while to
complete, or is this something somebody should be able to sit down and
beat in an hour or two, do you want tons of different skills and skill
sets, or just a generic mockup of basic abilities that can get
stronger, but not a whole lot of room for customization?

Not grinding in a game provides a player with more of the instant
satisfaction and the ability to beat games very quickly once the basic
principle of game flow is mastered.  Grinding, leveling, exp, etc,
takes longer to do and if done improperly can lead to frustrating
times of 'grinding' and 'waiting for levels', but if done properly,
will open channels and avenues, and ultimately add more depth long
term into the game

I feel a leveling system via exp is superior to all other methods
because it ultimately is more involved, opens new strategies, and
gives more value to a game.  Want a challenge, beat it faster.  How
many "low exp" or "no level" guides are there for games these days?
On the flip side, there are tons of people who love to grind and will
try to max out every possible stat and facet of their character.  I
say give them the choice to do that by implementing a system of
gaining exp through multiple means.

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