[pradjs] Re: PRA Bangaroo benefit show this August!!!!

  • From: Crystal Thames <cfthames@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lepue22@xxxxxxxxx>, <pradjs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 14:45:55 +0000

Hey, I'm down to help and I have some questions. Such as, since we are doing 
this for our benefit and obviously we will be asking bands to play for free, is 
there anything we can offer the bands? Should we donate any of the cash to a 
community thing, since we're a community thing? And on and on... Is there going 
to be a meeting coming up to talk about it?

Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 09:48:22 -0700
From: lepue22@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [pradjs] PRA Bangaroo benefit show this August!!!!
To: pradjs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

hey, Mister/Missus DJ - 
I'm sending out a short update/plea to all of you about the upcoming Bangaroo 
benefit for PRA.  I know i ramble, but please read this message out... So, it's 
gonna be on Saturday, August 28 at the Plan B bar.  If you've been at PRA for a 
while, you might remember these events from the past and you'll know that 
they're a real blast - it's an afternoon/night of fun and bands, with the music 
happening outside during the daytime.  
The booking guy at the Plan B is being super nice and helpful and he's taking a 
bit of a leap o' faith with this, because he's not sure we're going to be able 
to get that many people to come.  Please, please, please help me prove him 
wrong.  If the bar ends up losing money on this, we can probably kiss goodbye 
and future benefit shows there, and they've been real generous and supportive 
in the past.  So, here are the three things I'm asking of yous peoples:
1) Come to the show!!!! The last benefit had a depressingly low DJ turnout.  
Like, probably about 5 DJ's. These are local bands who playing that gig pretty 
often in town, so it's crucial that we get our DJ's showing up and more 
importantly, bringing your friends with you!  We're a community, so let's bring 
out that community support...
2) We really need to try to get a band to play that's gonna bring in some 
people.  Like i said, some of these bands play here every month.  If you've got 
a lead on a local band that'd be willing to play that you think could bring in 
at least 50 people alone, please get in touch with me.  We got plenty of 
smaller bands lining up to play, but we really need at least one band to really 
draw a crowd.  Know someone in Quasi? Or the Pierced Arrows? Or ______??? Get 
in touch with me soon!
3) We'll need help with people taking money, helping with the table, raffles, 
etc.  If you can lend a hand with stuff, let me know.  I know it's a few months 
away, but i'd like to get a list going of people we can count on for help.
Did you read this far?  You didn't read this far.  You did?  Awww, thanks!
So, in closing, this benefit will be big if we try to make it big!  If we can 
get about 200+ people in the door, that would mean a lot of moolah for the 
station, which could mean speakers that actually work, a better computer and so 
on and so on... 
Thanks for your help 'n support, doods and doodlettes!!!
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