Re: batch file scripting

  • From: "Niall Litchfield" <niall.litchfield@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: spikey.mcmarbles@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 22:37:50 +0100

The script below is vbscript which will do what you want. No add-on's
required (unless you are on an unsupported OS like NT4).

Rem *****************************************
Rem * This script deletes archive log files *
rem * which are more than <iDays> old       *
Rem * From archive log directory            *
Rem *                                       *
Rem *****************************************
Rem *****************************************
Rem * Version History:                      *
Rem * 0.1 Niall Litchfield 29/08/2003       *
Rem *****************************************

' Constants alter if necessary
const iDays = 7  ' Change this to change archive retention period
const arch_dest = "<location of files to delete>"

dim today,arch_date

today = Now()
arch_date = today - iDays

DeleteArchives arch_dest,arch_date

Sub DeleteArchives(strFolder,modDate) ' sub routine to delete archives older than ' modDate. Called twice Dim fileSystem ' Filesystem Object Dim folder ' Folder Dim file ' File Object

   ' Create the filesystem object
   set filesystem = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   ' get the Folder
   set folder = fileSystem.GetFolder( strFolder)
   ' create a file enumerator
   For each filename in folder.files
   ' get file object
   set file = fileSystem.GetFile( fileName)
   ' get date last modified
   dateLastModified = file.DateLastModified
             ' if file is older than NUMBER_OF_DAYS
       if dateLastModified < modDate then
           fileSystem.DeleteFile (fileName)
       end if
End Sub

On 7/21/06, Greg Norris <spikey.mcmarbles@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 7/19/06, Steve Perry <sperry@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > that only takes 2 lines :))) > > C:\>set f=myfile_%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2% > C:\>echo %f% > myfile_2006-07-19

On a semi-related note, is there any way (using "pure" cmd.exe) to
identify files older than say, 5 days?  For example, something similar
to "find . -name "myfile\* -mtime +5".

Unfortunately I'm not allowed to add additional software, so the use
of add-on tools like cygwin/perl/etc. simply isn't an option. :(

"I'm too sexy for my code." - Awk Sed Fred.

Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA

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