RE: Why a rebuild speeds up my queries.

  • From: "Mark W. Farnham" <mwf@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2004 12:24:09 -0400

There may be more modern tools I haven't figured out yet, however in lieu of
a better solution being proffered (which I'll quickly swipe myself),the
ancient technique is this:

1) insert an "all zeroes" row (I guess in your case with an actual
account_id - are they really all 35 chars or at least unchanging?)
2) As long as all your columns work with the vsize function (all yours do),
generate yourself a query of the form:

     vsize(c1) +
     vsize(c2) +
     vsize(cn) +
     from tab
     where account_id = 'the brand new one';

     Write down that number. Unless your account id length varies, that is a
constant. If you have a column that vsize chokes on (longs, if memory serves
and maybe some user defined types and whatnot), you can look up the
estimated size for an empty column of that size in a manual someplace and
hope that the reference you locate is reasonably accurate, and add it to the

3) Now I don't see a DLM or an account creation date, so I really can't tell
from this table whether you have a way to identify mature rows. Usually
business data does mature (meaning it stops changing in length). If you have
a way to identify mature rows, the next thing you do (I usually partially
generate from the dictionary and paste pieces together in an editor) is find
the max(vsize(c1)+vsize(c2)+...+vsize(c3)), avg, and min for the mature
rows. You probably have some descriptive table for each account_id, right?
Anyway, if you figure out how many rows of your average size you can put per
block (don't forget the block overhead - I usually verify by inserting a
filled in char column of the required length and checking how many actually
fit before rowid tells me I've spilled into a new block - all this varies
for stuff like initrans, etc.) you can do the math and come up with a pretty
good setting for pctfree such that it is exceeded by the correct number of
"all zeroes" rows. That gets screwed up a bit if you're likely to put big
numbers in new rows before the block is full and you'll end up with a bit
less density than you want. If you want a better number, you have to do
quite a bit more work on the query side to figure out the shape of your
mature row distribution length. Then you can figure out how many rows will
migrate anyway if you use the average to set pctfree (more math than I'm
typing required.) At least you can get pretty doggone close, but usually
average is about right, anyway. A side issue is that if you use a higher
pctfree to accomodate rows over the average length with less eventual
migration, then you have to figure in the extra blocks you'll scan due to
lower density versus the extra blocks to pick up a migrated row. Only
knowledge of your actual use of the data will answer that question, but you
probably have a decent idea. Oh - if the number of mature rows that fit per
block from this calculation is less than 1, you probably want to try a
bigger block size.

4) You didn't have any date fields, but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention
how useful having defined dates meaning "I don't have a date yet" can be to
minimizing row migration for tables with lots of dates. Since dates are
constant length, this reduces the variability in row size, which will tend
to allow you to have a higher density with fewer row migrations.

5) Now remember, you're probably trying to minimize your operational cost
over time. If you're not 24x7 and your row length is highly dynamic and
variable, and cost and inconvenience to rebuild that individual table is
modest, then (heresy) rebuilding that particular table periodically might be
your optimal solution. Even then, however, there is a good chance you can
usefully rebuild less than the whole table. You've got pretty much all
number columns, and they only grow a byte per two orders of magnitude. So
unless the values vary tremendously, rows that have been around a few months
probably don't change much in size any more. Next time you rebuild, you
could do something along the lines of: Create new table with tiny pctfree,
copy in all the "mature" rows, reset pct free to your make the number of
"all zeroes" rows about right, and then copy in all the "non-mature" rows.
This should give you the benefit of relatively high density on the rows
unlikely to change much in length combined with space to grow for young
rows. This will tend to prolong the time before you need another rebuild
(which you would only do if you measure that increased density or corrected
migration would likely reduce costs enough to justify the cost of the
rebuild.) Then you next rebuild would be copy out the rows copied in using
higher pctfree (and added later), delete them, copy back the now mature rows
from the copy out at lower pctfree and copy back the non-mature rows at
higher pctfree. Now if all this trouble is actually justified by your query
cost reduction, you might seriously consider partitioning by creation date
of your accounts, and manage the density partition by partition.

6) You have to figure out how much trouble this is worth for the gains
possible. (Which you can measure.) There is a huge variant in the cost and
inconvenience to rebuild depending on your operational environment. (The
more like 24x7x365.25 it is the more inconvenient it tends to be.)

Good luck, I'm sure you'll gets lots of useful additional suggestions on
this list.


-----Original Message-----
From: oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of David Sharples
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 9:31 AM
To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Why a rebuild speeds up my queries.

As an extra too this, here is a table we rebuilt
ACCOUNT_ID                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(35)
 ACCOUNT_TYPE                              NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
 CALL_DIVERT_ABS_FEAT_TS                            NUMBER(11)
 CALL_DIVERT_ABS_FEAT_1H                            NUMBER(7)
 CALL_DIVERT_ABS_FEAT_4H                            NUMBER(7)
 CALL_DIVERT_ABS_FEAT_8H                            NUMBER(7)
 VOICE_MAIL_ABS_FEAT_1W                             NUMBER(7)

On account creation, everything is populated with 0 apart from
account_id and account_type

As time goes on the others will get proper values, up to the column
length, so the row can grow massively.

I'm tempted to set pctfree to be like 80,but this just *seems* bad - any




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