Re: RMAN recovery from tape with automatic channels

  • From: "Jared Still" <jkstill@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Oracle-L Freelists" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:00:16 -0700

On 4/24/07, Jared Still <jkstill@xxxxxxxxx> wrote

The one that works has ENV in uppercase, while it is 'env' in the
non-working one.

This must be an issue with the Veritas MML, as this problem does not occur
using the dummy tape interface.

Correction: The problem is not with Veritas, it is with Oracle.

Though not documented as such, any of the options from the allocOperandList
( * ) *that are using the string sent with PARMS
be uppercased.  This does not seem to be docuemented.

Does not work:

run {
allocate channel t01 type sbt
 parms 'blksize=1048576,SBT_LIBRARY=oracle.disksbt
release channel t01;

Does not work:

run {
allocate channel t01 type sbt
 parms 'BLKSIZE=1048576,SBT_LIBRARY=oracle.disksbt
release channel t01;

Does work:

run {
allocate channel t01 type sbt
 parms 'BLKSIZE=1048576,SBT_LIBRARY=oracle.disksbt
release channel t01;

In addition, the syntax may legally vary a bit.
This form works as well: (parms=)

run {
  allocate channel t01 type sbt

  release channel t01;

As does this one: (double quotes instead of single)

run {
  allocate channel t01 type sbt

  release channel t01;

and this one ('=' removed from parms)

run {
  allocate channel t01 type sbt
     parms "BLKSIZE=1048576,SBT_LIBRARY=oracle.disksbt

  release channel t01;

The key is that all parameters in the string must be uppercased.

Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist

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