Re: No Talk, Only Do

  • From: Robyn <robyn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2004 10:04:48 -0400 (EDT)


I start with the standard from Cary's OFA Standard doc:

and modify from there depending on the other system standards already in
place.  I'll deviate from the standard where it makes sense and my
primary goal is consistency across all the databases at one company.  And
if I ask for specific volumes but don't get them, I still keep the layout
just in case someone someday decides actually provide the resources
needed. (I can't get enough memory lately either - this economic downturn
really sucks.)

I have one system that I set up last year that I'm not terribly proud of.
Resources were totally inadequate, but I followed the convention anyway.
The box will be upgraded and hooked up to real storage later this summer,
and the file system layout can go forward as it is.

I'm working on a space management doc right now that will include this
topic. It's going to be company specific but I'll send the sharable
information when it's finished. It should be pretty thorough, I have to
justify everything here.  

At the moment, I'm still working on the part that describes how the work
is currently being done, and that doesn't need to be propagated.  Might
perpetuate a few Oracle myths - but it would provide some good stories for
Rachel. :)


----original message------
Robyn, have you public available description of standards you are using?
OFA have some basic description of files layout (have been described in 
some book of Oracle documentation in appendix, as far as I remember), but 
it can be extended. 
What is your preferred description of OFA?
Thanks in advance,
+371 9268222 (+2 GMT)

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