Re: Differences in key database design and architecture

  • From: Mladen Gogala <gogala.mladen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 09:04:48 -0500

On 1/14/24 14:17, yudhi s wrote:

Now that organization is choosing AWS cloud as target state and thus the databases we are exploring for some new development project are mainly AWS aurora postgresql and mysql. So wanted to understand, if there is any key design/architectural changes should the app development team or the database design team, should really aware about, so as to take right decision on any new development project or in case of moving an existing Oracle database system to AWS postgresql/mysql databases?

Well, of course there are many differences. The meaning of the phrase "database agnostic application" is that the application sucks equally on all supported databases. I don't have any experience on the Aurora Postgres, so I don't know what version of Postgres database it is. There are differences with XA (distributed transactions), there are differences with the unique indexes, there are no packages in PGPL/SQL and there are no global variables. There are local temporary tables, which can be indexed, there are "bloom" indexes and many other things. It will be an interesting journey. I've done it before and I expect to do it again soon. Here is a teaser:

scott=> create table test_tab (
col1 integer not null,
col2 varchar(10),
col3 timestamp);
scott=> alter table test_tab add constraint test_tab_uq unique(col1,col2);
scott=> insert into test_tab values(1,null,current_timestamp);
scott=> insert into test_tab values(1,null,current_timestamp);
scott=> insert into test_tab values(1,null,current_timestamp);

For the record, I inserted 3 rows with the NULL values into the table. Now, the remedy which can only be done in Postgres 15 or later:

scott=> alter table test_tab drop constraint test_tab_uq;

scott=> truncate table test_tab;
cott=> create unique index test_tab_uq on test_tab(col1,col2) *_nulls not distinct_*;
scott=> insert into test_tab values(1,null,current_timestamp);
scott=> insert into test_tab values(1,null,current_timestamp);
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "test_tab_uq"
DETAIL:  Key (col1, col2)=(1, null) already exists.

That is the default behavior for Oracle. Furthermore, such indexes are not allowed in primary keys. Postgres requires all columns in the PK to be not null:

scott=> alter table test_tab add constraint test_tab_pk primary key(col1,col2);
ERROR:  column "col2" of relation "test_tab" contains null values

In Oracle, you can have NULL values as a part of the primary key. The absolute worst difference that cannot be abridged is the fact that it is not possible to create global indexes on the partitioned tables. You will have to organize your application in such a way that it always looks only into a single partition. BTW, the account I'm using for testing may look familiar:

scott=> \d
                  List of relations
 Schema |          Name           | Type  |  Owner
 public | pg_stat_statements      | view  | postgres
 public | pg_stat_statements_info | view  | postgres
 scott  | bonus                   | table | scott
 scott  | dept                    | table | scott
 scott  | emp                     | table | scott
 scott  | salgrade                | table | scott
 scott  | test_tab                | table | scott
(7 rows)

I am using Postgres 16.1, the latest and the greatest. I don't know whether that is available as an Aurora version.


Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217

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