[opendtv] Re: Lies or Agenda?

  • From: Craig Birkmaier <craig@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 08:42:20 -0400

At 4:32 PM -0400 10/21/04, John Golitsis wrote:
>My comments were not *directly* pointed at you, but to this discussion in
>I continue to be amused by the (seeming) fact that my (seemingly) non-partisan
>comments are painting me as a liberal!  Is it because I'm Canadian?  Do you
>think that all those outside the US are for Kerry?  If so, what does 
>that mean?!

Perhaps you should look at what you just wrote.

>by the (seeming) fact that my (seemingly) non-partisan
comments are painting me as a liberal!

If it seems to you that your comments were non partisan, then I think 
we have gotten to the root of the issue.

I do find it fascinating that so many people here in the U.S., and 
now it appears in Canada as well, don't like to be labeled as a 
liberal. Every time we get into an election cycle, the liberals run 
to the middle (and yes many of the right wingers run to the middle 
too).  Perhaps it would be more acceptable if we were to use more 
appropriate labels like Socialist or Communist.

I still can't find the part in the U.S. Constitution about the role 
of the Federal Government in the redistribution of wealth.

I've got no problem with people outside the U.S. expressing their 
views on our elections. My problem comes when governments and 
institutions like the U.N. are given a voice, or worse yet, a veto 
over the decisions made by the U.S. citizenry and its government.

I have problems when our Supreme Court uses legal precedents from 
other countries to base their decisions about the Constitutionality 
of OUR Laws.

All of this is ESPECIALLY disturbing, when our historical allies are 
"on the take," helping to undermine the effectiveness of the 
sanctions imposed by those who are professed globalists.


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