[opendtv] FCC's broadband blog

  • From: "Manfredi, Albert E" <albert.e.manfredi@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 11:22:32 -0400

The FCC is conducting a number of broadband workshops these days, and it
has set up this blog too.

The usual arguments already appear. Central planning for broadband? Must
be something out of the Soviet Union.



Welcome to Blogband

August 18th, 2009 by Julius Genachowski

The National Broadband Plan is one of the most important initiatives
that the FCC has ever undertaken. To foster public dialogue about the
National Broadband Plan, we're tapping the power of the Internet to
launch a new FCC blog, called Blogband. What better time to start
blogging than now? With just 183 days before our deadline to send the
National Broadband Plan to Congress, we need as many people involved as

Like our unprecedented two-dozen public workshops and the upcoming fall
public hearings, Blogband is part of the FCC's commitment to an open and
participatory process. Blogband will keep people up-to-date about the
work the FCC is doing and the progress we're making. But we want it to
be a two-way conversation. The feedback, ideas, and discussions
generated on this blog will be critical in developing the best possible
National Broadband Plan.

As this blog demonstrates, the Internet is changing and expanding the
way Americans communicate, providing them with unparalleled access to
information.  Our goal is to create a National Broadband Plan that
charts a path toward bringing the benefits of robust broadband to all
Americans. So visit Blogband often to keep up with the latest news and -
more importantly - get involved.
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Other related posts:

  • » [opendtv] FCC's broadband blog - Manfredi, Albert E